DIPL projects

Abala Road bus stop path and parking bay upgrade

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading three bus stops within the Marrara Sporting Complex to improve passenger experience and pedestrian safety.

The shared paths at two bus stops (253 and 254) will be realigned to help ease congestion and allow more space for pedestrians and bus passengers.

The gravel bus bay and verge in front of bus stop 255 will be upgraded to asphalt surfacing to improve road conditions for traffic.

Works will commence in late-October 2020 and are expected to be completed by mid-December 2020 (weather permitting).

Construction will not interfere with bus timetables or routes and a temporary bus stop will be installed during construction.

Maps and concept images

Map of Abala Road and bus stop upgrades

Previous announcement

Read the Abala Road bus stop path and parking bay upgrade fact sheet PDF (258.9 KB).


Project Manager: James Stanway
Phone: 08 8999 4618
Email: james.stanway@nt.gov.au

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Gallery of Australia (ATSIAGA) Early Works

The Department of Infrastructure Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is commencing works at Anzac Oval to build the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Gallery of Australia (ATSIAGA).

For more information on ATSIAGA, go to the Invest NT website.

Construction Update:

Early works for the ATSIAGA will include site establishment (including hoardings and site accommodation), demolition of existing structures and site clearing and preparation.

Construction of the facility will include galleries, reception and public meeting areas, back-of-house art management spaces, a café, event and retail spaces, staff office accommodation, landscaping to include a biodiversity enhancing water management system, car parking and associated external civil and service works. Sacred trees on site have been identified and will be protected throughout construction.

Works are due to start early July 2024 and be completed by late 2026, followed by a period of approximately six months to build and install exhibitions before the gallery opens.

Alice Springs - Jim McConville Oval - Ground Upgrades

Latest update

The contractor will commence site works at Jim McConville Oval on Monday 27 May.

Initial works focus on centre of field activities, progressing to field perimeter trenching and clubhouse electrical works.

All works will be fenced in accordance with WHS as the oval remains open to end users.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading Jim McConville Oval in Alice Springs to be better equipped for future use with sports lighting.

This project will temporarily transition Jim McConville Oval from a cricket and AFL oval to a rugby oval. This facility will be utilised by both rugby codes until the Kilgariff Sporting Complex is constructed. The upgrade will mean Jim McConville will be better equipped for future use with sports lighting.

The first tender works for the relocation and installation of the goalposts and scoreboard have commenced, with expected completion by 28 June 2024, before the start of the Rugby League 2024 competition.

The works include:

  • removal and remediation of the existing concrete cricket pitch
  • design and construction of a new Rugby Field
  • relocation of Anzac Oval goal post and scoreboard to Jim McConville including all associated construction works
  • underground electrical infrastructure for the new scoreboard and future sports lighting.

The second tender T24-1249 for this project has been released for the design and construction of sports lighting at Jim McConville Oval.


For more information, contact the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics via email Communications.DIPL@nt.gov.au or phone 0431 172 775.

Alice Springs CBD revitalisation

The Alice Springs CBD has been invigorated to create a safer and more vibrant CBD for locals and visitors to enjoy.

Works include:

  • lighting upgrades
  • a River Activation Space
  • cooling initiative shade structures and landscaping.

The completed River Activation Space is located on the corner of Parsons Street and Leichhardt Terrace, and provides a large shaded space with natural surveillance, shading and seating.

The River Activation Space is located near public amenities such as toilets, emergency phones and water fountains.

The River Activation Space includes:

  • shading whilst providing a view of the Lhere Mparntwe (the Todd River) and surrounding trees
  • ample seating to accommodate a number of different groups
  • cooling through the use of water misters and separate water bubblers for people and for their dogs
  • USB charging point and free Wi-Fi during the day; and will be well lit after dark.

Cooling initiatives, shade structures and landscaping saw shade structures placed strategically around the Alice Springs CBD to assist in developing cooler pathways for pedestrians to walk and provides shade for people waiting for taxis.

Shaded walkways provide comfort to pedestrians as they walk through the CBD, including from carparks to shops. Trees have been planted to assist with cooling and shading.

Additional lights and CCTV cameras have been installed to light up Billy Goat Hill, Trevor Reid Park, Stott Terrace Bridge, Leichhardt Terrace and Todd St (CCTV only).

Works commenced in September 2021.

These projects have been developed in collaboration with the Alice Springs Town Council.

Construction was completed in July 2024.

Below is an image of the River Activation Space.

Alice Springs flood mitigation

In June 2017, the Alice Springs Regional Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee released a report that provides recommendations and measures for managing and reducing the flood risk in the Alice Springs region. Read the Final Alice Springs Flood Mitigation Report (2017) PDF (7.5 MB).

The Department has been investigating structural flood mitigation measures as outlined in the Alice Springs Regional Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee report.

The Department engaged WRM Water and Environment consultants to undertake updated flood modelling for Alice Springs to investigate and assess potential flood mitigation options to reduce the peak flow of a flood.

The flood modelling uses detailed topographical data, including from the upper catchment of the Todd River and floor level surveys of flood prone properties to assess which structural mitigation measures will provide the greatest value to reduce the impacts of flooding.

The results of the flood modelling show that mitigating flooding in Alice Springs has no simple solution and is characterised by unique features that create limitations on what can be done to mitigate flooding.

A number of combined constraints make it difficult to come up with one solution to reduce flooding impacts in Alice Springs.

An options assessment including a cost benefit analysis has been completed to inform a preferred option.

Design work is underway and construction anticipated to commence for the first work package by early 2025.

To talk to one of our project team members:

Alice Springs industrial land consultation

The Northern Territory Government is strategically planning for future industrial land in Alice Springs.

The Alice Springs Regional Land Use Plan anticipates ongoing demand for industrial land and identifies potential future industrial land sites at Arumbera and Abattoir Valley.

The Plan also acknowledges the potential for industrial development on land at Alice Springs Airport, and recognises the strategic importance of the existing Brewer Estate.

As there is a wide range of potential immediate and future needs for land, the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is seeking to better understand these needs from an industry perspective to inform the detailed planning of future industrial land.


The department and planning consultants Fyfe Pty Ltd have commenced consultation with industry groups and representatives, together with the broader Alice Springs community in order to obtain specific information in respect to industrial land needs.

This consultation will:

  • inform current and future industrial land development needs in Alice Springs from the perspective of potential users
  • assist in planning for headworks and essential services infrastructure
  • inform subdivision plans in timeframes that reflect the anticipated needs of the community.

Consultation will include face-to-face discussions, an online survey and public workshops.


Consultant: Kayla Gaskin
Email: kayla.gaskin@fyfe.com.au

Amity House demolition

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is demolishing the building at 155 Stuart Highway, Parap and clearing the site.

Known as Amity House, the site on Crown land consists of an elevated fibro and brick building and a standalone garden shed.

The building has received significant damage from the presence of termites and is unsafe for occupation.

An independent quantity surveyor assessment shows substantial investment is required to complete remediation of the termite damaged building to be made suitable for use.

To ensure community safety the building will be demolished and the site cleared.

The building contains asbestos which will be safely removed from site prior to works beginning.

Works will take place over 3 stages.

  • Stage 1: removal of identified asbestos.
  • Stage 2: demolition and removal of the remaining structure.
  • Stage 3: grading of the site to the existing storm water drainage system.

Works will commence 25 March 2024 and are expected to be completed by mid-May 2024.

During demolition and site clearance works, access to the Stuart Highway and nearby businesses will be maintained at all times.

All road users and nearby residents are advised to take caution during these works and comply with any traffic management in place.


Map showing location of Amity House in Parap


To find out more information, contact:

DIPL Project Officer, Paul Mc Donnell
Phone: 08 8946 5197

Arnhem Highway - Adelaide River floodplain upgrade

The Australian and Northern Territory governments are funding a $77.88 million upgrade of 6.5km of the Arnhem Highway across the Adelaide River floodplain.

The project will reduce road closures during the wet season along the Arnhem Highway due to flooding of the Adelaide River, resulting economic and safety benefits for road users.

The upgraded section of the highway will be built next to the existing road alignment, which will include:

  • raising the height of the road
  • drainage structures (13 bridge structures) along the new alignment.

Stage 1 of the Arnhem Highway upgrade over the Adelaide River floodplain opened to traffic in December 2021.

Stage 2 works

The Northern Territory Government is delivering a second stage of the Adelaide River Floodplain Upgrade to reduce flooding and improve safety and access on the Arnhem Highway.

The stage 2 program is worth more than $29.52 million and is jointly funded by the Australian and Northern Territory governments. This second stage will upgrade a 3km section of the Arnhem Highway with a new four-span bridge at the Beatrice Hill Causeway.

Work on stage 2 started in June 2021.

Completion of the stage 2 works is anticipated by late 2023, depending on the effect of wet season rains and the time it takes for the new road surface to consolidate.

Location of works is shown below.

Map showing stage 2

Arnhem Highway duplication planning study

Latest update

The concept plan has now been released.

The Northern Territory Government has released its final concept plan for the future duplication of the Arnhem Highway at Humpty Doo.

The duplication area is a 10 kilometre stretch of the highway that spans from the Stuart Highway intersection to Kostka Road.

Currently the road is one lane each way and the concept plan identifies a preferred duplication for potential delivery in the medium to longer term. The duplication plan informs the Humpty Doo Rural Activity Centre Area Plan. At this time funding for construction has not been committed. The timeline to undertake the duplication works are unknown.

Arnhem Highway is a key route in the Northern Territory road network connecting Darwin to the World Heritage Listed Kakadu National Park, Arnhem Land, Mt Bundy Quarry and numerous communities, stations, farms, and tourist operations. The route supports economic growth in industries such as tourism, agriculture, mining and construction.

This busy section of road is the main access point for the commercial hub of Humpty Doo and its schools, businesses and shops.

Residents, businesses, commuters and other road users in the area provided extensive feedback in late 2021 and late 2022 on how they use the road and a proposed concept design for upgrades.

The key objectives of the planning study were to:

  • provide safe access to enable future land developments
  • provide an efficient route to improve freight productivity
  • provide a safe and attractive route to support tourism and rural residential development
  • manage future transport needs.

Key features of the final concept design based on community feedback received in late 2021 are:

  • fully signalised traffic lights at the Stuart Highway and Arnhem Highway intersection
  • pedestrian crossing across the Stuart Highway and Arnhem Highway intersection
  • new service road to provide access to properties opposite the Didgeridoo Hut
  • four-way signalised intersection at Hayball Road and Power Road to allow properties to retain safe and direct access in all directions and facilitate a future north-south collector route through Humpty Doo
  • no change to the alignment of Spencley Road and no signalisation of Spencley Road and Kennedy Road intersections
  • extending and connecting Challoner Circuit to the Arnhem Highway to allow safe and efficient traffic through local shops and schools
  • retaining existing un-signalised Freds Pass Road intersection with right turn into Arnhem Highway from Freds Pass Road moved to new intersection of Challoner Circuit extension
  • a P-turn between Zamia Road and Trippe Road to allow large vehicles to U-turn safely
  • a staggered four-way intersection at Trippe Road to allow for heavy vehicle movements to and from the quarry to the south
  • extending the existing shared path through the entire duplication area on the southern side of the highway

Review the final concept design

You can also view the project fact sheet PDF (1.8 MB).

Consultation and initial design

Two stages of stakeholder and community consultation were undertaken during the planning phase.

Stage 1 consultation was open for five weeks from 15 November 2021 to 20 December 2021. Stage 2 consultation was open for four weeks from 18 November 2022 to 16 December 2022.

During consultation, feedback was invited on concept plans showing the duplication and proposed intersection upgrades. This included seeking thoughts about options for a new intersection on the Arnhem Highway to connect areas north of Humpty Doo via a new north-south connector.

For more information, read the Arnhem Highway fact sheet PDF (1.8 MB),  review the video and see the initial concept via image maps PDF (1.7 MB).


Email: transport.planning@nt.gov.au
Phone: 08 8924 7118

Austin Lane enhancement

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The NT Government, in partnership with the City of Darwin, completed works to enhance the Austin Lane streetscape with the construction of:

  • two covered walkways
  • tree plantings
  • upgraded seating.

A new Activity Node along Austin Lane from Edmunds Street to Knuckey Street including Spain Place has also now been completed.

The Activity Node is a dedicated space to support community activities such as street parties and festivals.

To create an inviting and engaging experience for people moving through the city centre, the infrastructure enhancements include:

  • decorative lighting
  • improved paving
  • various greening options.

The Activity Node provides:

  • a linkage with the recent upgrades at the other end of Austin Lane
  • spaces to capture the cooling benefit of the breezes between buildings
  • support to local businesses by encouraging increased pedestrian activity.


Austin Lane and Spain Place street view during the night

Austin Lane and Spain Place street view during the night

Austin Lane and Spain Place street view during the day

Austin Lane and Spain Place street view during the day

Austin Lane and Spain Place – near LMK

Austin Lane and Spain Place – near LMK

Austin Lane enhancement map

Austin Lane enhancement map

Austin Lane enhancement stages map

Austin Lane enhancement stages map

Past announcements


Project Director: Lauren King
Email: lauren.king@nt.gov.au

Bagot Road - improving cycling

Improving safety for commuter and recreational cyclists is supported by the Darwin Regional Transport Plan and the Towards Zero Road Safety Action Plan.

The Northern Territory Government is investigating ways in which cycling safety on Bagot Road can be improved and has commissioned a planning study to improve cycling conditions including development of concept design options.

Bagot Road currently includes a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians on the outbound side of the road. However, the path varies in width and pavement quality, and crosses multiple accesses and driveways with poor visibility for both cyclists and drivers.

The planning study aims to:

  • identify potential options for improved cycling infrastructure on Bagot Road
  • plan for a strategic cycling route between the northern suburbs and the Stuart Highway.

Community consultation

Development of concept design options will take into consideration both:

  • technical requirements
  • community feedback.

Stage one consultations closed in early 2021.

For more information on consultations, go to the Have Your Say website.


Transport Planning
Phone: 08 8924 7118
Email: transport.planning@nt.gov.au

Batchelor Airport Master Plan

A Master Plan has been finalised for Batchelor Airport which will transform the existing airstrip into an aviation hub, supporting a range of commercial general aviation activities over the long term.

The development of the Airport will provide investment opportunities in Batchelor, resulting in more local jobs and diversification of local industry.

Batchelor Airport is identified in the 10 Year Infrastructure Plan as a long term project.

The Masterplan

The development of Batchelor Airport will be broken into three stages.

Stage 1 of the Master Plan has a 10 year horizon for upgrades to the airport and provision of commercial hangar facilities.

Stages 2 and 3 will involve incremental expansion of facilities to accommodate aircraft parking, movements and an increased number of hangar sites. Long term works will be subject to approvals as the project progresses.

Stage 1 – Development Concept (within 10 years) PDF (695.3 KB)

Stage 2 – Development Concept (10-20 year horizon) PDF (668.6 KB)

Stage 3 – Development Concept (beyond 20 year horizon) PDF (690.3 KB)

Overall Land Use Plan PDF (659.2 KB)

Long Term Development Concept PDF (733.9 KB)

Current works

A new apron and taxiway will be completed in 2020. This builds on work undertaken in 2018 to formalise and seal the access road into the Airport and construct a car park.

During Stage 1, a range of studies such as environmental and engineering assessments will be undertaken to inform the design and development of the Airport.

Throughout the project the neighbouring community will be respected by maximising compatibility between surrounding land uses and airport operations into the future.

Commercial opportunities

In the short term, available commercial opportunities will be limited to facilities of a temporary or short term nature. Occupation licences could be issued for these arrangements provided they are consistent with Crown Land Policy and the Master Plan. Crown Land Estate can provide guidance on policy and process.

Permanent commercial opportunities will be made available over the long term.

Batchelor Airport will provide opportunity to the following industries:

  • aircraft maintenance
  • sport, leisure and recreational aviation
  • charter operations
  • emergency services hub
  • private aircraft storage
  • flight training
  • aerial agricultural specialist base
  • commercial business park
  • residential ‘airpark’ facilities.


Project Manager: Thomas Carroll
Phone: 8999 4854
Email: transport.planning@nt.gov.au

Bayview drain erosion protection

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is repairing and upgrading various locations in the Bayview stormwater drain.

The works include:

  • installing new protective structures and concrete walls,
  • clean-up of debris that is obstructing the flow of the drain, and
  • construction of ramps at various points along the drain to provide vehicle access for future maintenance.

Works have commenced and are expected to be completed by late August 2024.


For more information, contact Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Project Manager, Christopher Grattan on phone 8999 4537 or email Christopher.Grattan@nt.gov.au.

Previous announcements

Find the following previous announcements for:

Berrimah Road duplication

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is planning for the future duplication of Berrimah Road, between the Stuart Highway and Tiger Brennan Drive.

Berrimah Road is a vital link in the Northern Territory’s logistics and supply chain. It connects the Stuart Highway to Darwin Port, the nation’s ‘northern gateway’ for Australasian trade. Traffic modelling has shown that Berrimah Road needs to be duplicated in the future to cater for growth.

Subject to funding, construction of the Berrimah Road duplication project may occur in the medium term over the next five to ten years.


Stage 1 consultation

In 2018, the department engaged engineering consultant Tonkin to develop an initial concept plan to duplicate Berrimah Road to manage future traffic needs. Tonkin partnered with True North Strategic Communication to consult with the community and discuss the proposed design.

Following this initial consultation, the concept plan was revised to include feedback provided by the community, local businesses, landowners and key stakeholders during the first stage of consultation.

Revised concept plan

The new concept plan:

  • retains the new traffic lights at Pruen Road (south) and College Road that allows traffic to circulate and maintain safety for pedestrians
  • maintains existing access for traffic entering and exiting Moo Street, Dennis Court and Marlow Road
  • introduces a physical median strip to safely separate north and south traffic with provisions for U-turns to facilitate access to local businesses and the school
  • maintains the service road off Moo Street
  • caters for turning paths of heavy vehicles, to use the new road safely (except for U-turns)
  • reduces the amount of land that needs to be acquired to accommodate a second lane
  • caters for various utilities, street lighting and shared paths within the proposed corridor.

Stage 2 consultation

In October/November 2021 the project team, which includes Tonkin, the Department and True North Strategic Communication, consulted with local businesses and key stakeholders about the revised concept plan.

Consultation was open for four-weeks and closed on 22 November 2021.

To view the final concept design and project timelines, read the consultation outcomes summary PDF (359.9 KB).


Email: transport.planning@nt.gov.au
Phone: 08 8924 7118

Berrimah gravity sewer construction

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is constructing a new sewer main in Berrimah to support growth and future development in the area.

The 1.5km main will run from the northern side of Tiger Brennan Drive behind Willes Road, cross under Tiger Brennan Drive and connect to the Berrimah Waste Stabilisation Ponds.

Construction is planned to begin in April 2023 and be completed by February 2024.

During construction, traffic management will be in place to ensure a safe environment for all road users.

The sewer main will immediately service new developments in Berrimah and provide a reliable and efficient system to cater for future growth in the area.

For more information on this project, please contact the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics via 08 8924 6420 or email at communications.dipl@nt.gov.au.

Motorists, residents and business owners are asked to like and follow RoadReportNT on Facebook for up to date information as work progresses.

Map showing Berrimah gravity sewer site

Boulter Road stormwater infrastructure upgrades

The Northern Territory Government is upgrading stormwater infrastructure on Boulter Road.

The construction commenced in mid-2022.

The upgrade will involve the construction of an underground stormwater pipe to divert water and formalise drainage in the Boulter Road corridor. .Stormwater has been a long standing issue on Boulter Road and the upgrade will unlock future development potential in the area.

The upgrade forms part of the Berrimah North Area Plan.

Motorists are advised to take care where works are being performed and to use alternate routes where possible.

Temporary traffic management measures can be expected during the works.

Works will occur progressively on Boulter Road. While the works move down the road, verge car parking will be impacted. During this time temporary car parking will be available and signposted accordingly.


Contact the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics via email communications.dipl@nt.gov.au.

Building reform

The Northern Territory Government is prioritising reforms to building regulations to ensure confidence in the local building industry.

Reforms in progress

Registration of Commercial Builders

The Northern Territory Government is strengthening consumer confidence in the building industry by prioritising building reforms.  The introduction of commercial building registrations and expansion of regulation making powers to establish a continuing professional development are priority reforms.

On 15 April 2024, the Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 to introduce commercial building registrations will come into effect. To know more read the Building Contractor Commercial Registrations Fact Sheet DOCX (56.8 KB).

A 12 month transition period allows commercial builders to obtain a commercial registration. During this transition period, a grandfathering initiative provides for current experienced NT builders to be registered without needing to meet the qualification requirements.  Read the Grandfathering Fact Sheet DOCX (373.0 KB).

Commercial renovations and fit-outs will not require a registered builder if there is no increase in floor area or height, no structural elements are altered and there is no change in the building classification under the National Construction Code.   The registration models are at the Building Contractor Registration model DOCX (41.5 KB).

Building contractors registered as both residential and commercial building contractors will only pay a single registration fee.

Changes to the legislation also expands the regulation-making powers to enable drafting of a CPD scheme for stakeholder consultation in the future.

For more information:

Effective licensing and regulation of building practitioners is the foundation of a robust building industry that delivers buildings that are safe, compliant and of good quality.

Currently, dispute resolution, licensing and regulation of the building industry is administered by three different Government departments.

KPMG Australia is undertaking an independent review of the administrative arrangements for the licensing, regulation and dispute resolution for building and will make recommendations for an alternative administrative model that is appropriate to the size and context of the NT.

Effective and streamlined administration is aimed at ensuring that matters can be dealt with in a more efficient way and that the system can appropriately respond in a timely manner as it relates to enforcement and regulation of the industry when there is unsatisfactory conduct.

The review commenced in October 2023 and is expected to take 6 months to complete.

Independent Third Party Review

The Building Regulations 1993 were amended on 31 January 2022 to introduce the requirement for an independent third party review of the structural designs for significant and complex buildings.

The introduction of Independent Third Party Reviews means any significant and complex building work is required to have its structural design reviewed by another qualified, experienced and independent structural engineer before a building permit can be issued by a building certifier.

Find out more about Independent Third Party Review.

Strengthening Practitioner Discipline

In August 2022, the Building Act 1993 was amended to strengthen disciplinary action available to the Building Practitioners Board to respond to serious professional misconduct by building practitioners.

The amendment increased the maximum civil penalties for building practitioners from 40 penalty units to 160 penalty units for individuals and 800 penalty units for corporations, bringing them in line with other jurisdictions. The amendment also increased the timeframe subject to an inquiry for a practitioner
who is no longer registered from three years to seven years.

For more information on priority building reforms, email bas.policy@nt.gov.au.

Buntine Highway investment strategy

The Australian and Northern Territory Governments are upgrading the Buntine Highway.

This is a $125 million project, jointly funded over ten years from 2019 ($100 million from the Australian Government and $25 million from the Northern Territory Government).


The upgrades will improve access for remote communities in the Katherine and Victoria River regions to:

  • health and education services
  • fresh produce
  • job opportunities
  • social and cultural connections.

Upgrading the Buntine Highway will also assist in the growth and future development of industries such as tourism, mining and the pastoral sector along the corridor.

The overall objectives for the upgrade of the Buntine Highway are to:

  • increase safety
  • support regional and local economic development
  • improve freight efficiency, connectivity and travel time
  • support Indigenous employment
  • respect culture and country.

The funding available will address key priorities along the route.

Strategy development

An investment strategy is required to identify priority works for delivery, so that currently available funding is utilised in the most cost effective manner, delivering on the most immediate benefits.

Engineering consultant GHD is assisting in the development of the investment strategy.

Stakeholder input is invited on its development.

Project update

Design tenders has been awarded for two sections of the Buntine Highway.

For chainage 0-26.5 km:

  • awarded to BTO Pty Ltd for $318,000
  • estimated completion of design is Q1 2024.

For chainage 256.5-300 km:

  • awarded to FYFE Pty Ltd for $703,000
  • estimated completion of design is Q1 2024


For more information or to submit your feedback, contact the Stakeholder Engagement Manager at transport.planning@nt.gov.au or 8924 7118.

Bus stop 70 Darwin City - returning to Cavenagh Street

Latest update

This project is now complete.

On Monday 28 September, outbound public buses and bus stops returned to Cavenagh Street.

All outbound bus stops in Smith Street are now closed.

For information about the timetable and route changes, go to the NT Government website.

Rules around buses and ‘B’ signal at traffic lights

The Northern Territory's first ‘B’ signal is now operational at the Cavenagh Street and Garramilla Boulevard intersection near the new Cavenagh Street bus stop (Woolworths).

You must follow the rules about 'B' signal at traffic lights on the NT Government website.

There is a dedicated ‘bus only lane’ at this intersection. However, if a bus is in the normal lane, not the bus only lane, the bus has to follow the road rules and go on the green light.

Vehicles must give way to buses as per the giving way road rules on the NT Government website.


The Cavenagh Street bus stop was temporarily moved to Smith Street during the construction of Garramilla Boulevard.

The main features of the project are:

  • the installation of NT’s first ‘B’ signal traffic lights on the Cavenagh Street and Garramilla Boulevard intersection for a safer and smoother traffic flow
  • construction of the bus stop
  • two new electronic timetables at the Cavenagh Street bus stop, providing interactive and real time information for passengers.

For more information, see the map below.

Darwin bus interchange map

Previous announcements

More information

To view the public transport timetables, go the NT Government website.

Read more about this project on the Smith Street bus stop to move back to Cavenagh Street media release.


Email: public.transport@nt.gov.au
Phone: 08 8924 7666 (weekdays 6:45am to 4:30pm and Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm)
Facebook: NT Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

Carpentaria Highway major upgrade

The Australian Government and Northern Territory Government are delivering major upgrades to sections of the Carpentaria Highway.

The Carpentaria Highway is a key access road to the Beetaloo Sub-basin, Borroloola and an important service route for the pastoral, tourism, agricultural and mining sectors.

The road is also a key route for supplies and transport for Glencore’s McArthur River Mine.

This is a $150 million project, jointly funded over four years ($120 million from the Australian Government and $30 million from the Northern Territory Government).


Upgrades to the Carpentaria Highway will complement multiple strategic projects currently underway that aim to bring the Territory’s vision to become a world-class gas production, manufacturing and services hub to reality.


The project involves:

  • reconstructing
  • widening
  • lifting
  • other flood immunity improvements
  • sealing.

Sealing of the road is being undertaken to a dual-lane standard, meaning one sealed lane in each direction, offering substantial safety benefits for all road users.


The project is expected to result in the following benefits, improved:

  • efficiency and network reliability
  • freight productivity and access to freight gateways
  • road safety for all road users, in line with Towards Zero Road Safety Action Plan
  • connectivity between people with jobs and services, and goods with markets
  • flood immunity, thereby reducing annual road closures
  • access to health and social services for remote and Indigenous communities.

Current works

Exact Contracting is continuing to deliver upgrades along Carpentaria Highway.

Stage 2 construction is taking place between chainage 50 km to 109 km and is expected to be complete in late 2024.

Construction is taking place 7 days a week between the hours of 6am to 6pm. Some night works may be required.

Detours and traffic management will be in place at times throughout the project.

Completed works

Stage 1 works included design and construction from chainage 2 km to chainage 50 km.

Stage 1 works also included design work for stage 2.


For more information, email bmr.dipl@nt.gov.au or phone 08 8924 7105.

Central Arnhem Road Corridor upgrades

The Northern Territory Government is planning for and delivering long term upgrades along Central Arnhem Road.

The Central Arnhem Road corridor is 685 kilometres and connects the regional centre of Nhulunbuy to the Stuart Highway.

It services a large number of Aboriginal communities and is a key tourism drive and freight route for the mining and pastoral industries.

$355 million has been committed to deliver initial priority upgrades. This includes $280 million from the Australian Government and $75 million from the Northern Territory Government.

The upgrades will include sealing, reconstruction, widening and flood immunity improvements. Improvements will also be made to drainage, bridges, culverts and road alignments.


Central Arnhem Map


The upgrades will improve:

  • connectivity
  • flood immunity
  • road safety
  • travel time
  • accessibility.

The upgrades will provide opportunities for:

  • economic development for the region
  • Aboriginal employment and business supplier use.

The long term objective is to provide a two-lane sealed connection for the entire road. The current funding commitment will contribute to this long term objective.

Investment strategy

Territory-based consultant GHD developed an investment strategy informed by outcomes of community and stakeholder consultation undertaken in 2019. The investment strategy identified 40 individual road upgrade projects along the corridor and grouped them into short, medium and long-term priorities.

The first group of priority upgrades have been chosen to ensure money is spent where it makes the most immediate difference for Territorians.

Completed works

The following early works packages are complete:

  • Package 1 - Beswick section (chainage 59.8 to 66.0 km) – upgrade and sealing approximately 6.2 km completed in June 2021
  • Package 2 - Goyder approaches (chainage 363.6 to 378.1 km) – upgrade and sealing approximately 14.4 km completed in December 2021
  • NT funded package - Bulman Airfield to community (chainage 250.8 to 254.9 km) – upgrade and sealing approximately 4.1 km completed in December 2022.

Upcoming works

The department is progressing six remaining priority packages:

  • Package 3 - Mountain Valley Station (chainage 158 km to 176 km)
  • Package 4 – Waterhouse River and Dook Creek Floodplain (chainage 56 km to 60 km)
  • Package 5 - Boggy Creek to Dhupuma Road (chainage 544 km to 645 km)
  • Package 6 - Stuart Highway to Barunga (chainage 0 km to 28 km)
  • Package 7 – Rusty’s Waterhole to Jurassic Park Lookout (chainage 97 km to 119 km)
  • Package 8 – Mainoru Station from (chainage 176 km to 197 km).

Construction on package 3 is expected to start in mid 2024.

Planning work is progressing for packages 4 to 8. This includes survey works, investigations and consultations.


The Central Arnhem Road passes through both pastoral and Aboriginal land.

One of the key objectives of the project is to respect culture and country.

Consultation with Traditional Owners will be conducted through the Northern Land Council.

Broader community consultation was undertaken in 2019 with the:

  • Katherine and Nhulunbuy communities
  • businesses and organisations that use Central Arnhem Road.

This consultation helped inform criteria which were used to determine priority upgrades which will deliver the most benefit for Territorians.

Stakeholder update

To register for stakeholder updates on this project, email transport.planning@nt.gov.au.


Transport Planning
Phone: 08 8924 7118

Chung Wah and Emery Avenue roundabout

A tender has been awarded for the construction of a new roundabout at the intersection of Chung Wah Terrace and Emery Avenue, Palmerston.

Construction began 8 May 2024 and is anticipated to take 6 months to complete.

Work Monday to Saturday, road closures, detours and reduced speed conditions can be expected. Night works will be required at times, with residents notified in advance.

Pedestrian access in the vicinity of the works will be maintained throughout the construction period. All pedestrians are advised to adhere to signage in place.

Part of the works, includes the removal or renewal of existing infrastructure including in-ground services like water mains and storm water, and established verge landscapes including footpaths and some trees.

Footpaths to suit the roundabout layout will be constructed and new landscaping provided as part of the works to improve the level of amenity at the new roundabout.

Engineering studies recommend the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Chung Wah Terrace and Emery Avenue. A roundabout will reduce the risk of further crashes and effectively manage traffic flow.

Preliminary design concept

Proposed roundabout design for the intersection of Chung Wah Terrace and Emery Avenue.

This map is a proposed roundabout design for the intersection of Chung Wah Terrace and Emery Avenue.


If you would like to discuss the project further, contact:

Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics

John Kassaras
08 8999 4788

Coolalinga road safety upgrades

The Northern Territory Government has released a new design for the long-term traffic management solution for Coolalinga.

The design includes changes to the Stuart Highway and was informed by several rounds of community consultation, as well as technical investigations.

Coolalinga Road safety upgrades map

Coolalinga Road safety upgrades map

Download the concept design - printable version PDF (821.6 KB).


This is a long term solution, which addresses road safety, improves accessibility and allows for future growth in the area.

The project will:

  • improve road safety for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists by incorporating signalised pedestrian crossings at popular crossing points, and inclusion of footpaths
  • improve accessibility to and from both sides of the Highway by creating 2 new intersections which facilitate safe signalised access in all directions
  • support future planning and growth by ensuring that future roads and developments can easily connect to the road network.

Features of the final design

Features include:

  • 2 new signalised intersections on the Stuart Highway providing direct access to and from the shopping precincts situated on the northern and southern sides
  • extension of service roads on both sides of the Stuart Highway
  • extension of existing road behind Coolalinga Central to the new signalised intersection
  • extension of Henning Road through to Virginia Road
  • new road link between the Stuart Highway and Henning Road
  • reduced posted speed limit to 60km/h on the Stuart Highway through this precinct.

Design and construction timelines

  • Detailed design is underway and expected to be finished by the end of 2024.


This final concept has evolved from the feedback garnered from stakeholders during 2 previous rounds of consultation.

It also includes feedback from several conversations with:

  • affected landowners
  • local business
  • key representative groups.


DIPL Communications
08 8946 5135

Corroboree Access Road upgrade and seal

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics will be undertaking works to upgrade and seal 2.6 kilometres of the Corroboree Billabong Access road from the end of the existing seal up to the cattle grid.

The project is funded by the Australian Government’s $11 million Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program which aims to support jobs and help communities bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The project also supports the Northern Territory Government’s commitment to improving recreational fishing infrastructure in the Territory.


Corroboree Access Road map

Previous announcements

Read the Stakeholder notice - April 2021 PDF (1.0 MB).


Project Manager: Josefa Tchong
Phone: 08 8999 4512
Email: josefa.tchong@nt.gov.au

Cotton Gin intersection – Stuart Highway, Katherine

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is undertaking works on the Stuart Highway, to support the new Cotton Gin facility.

Works are located at 6650 Stuart Highway, Edith on NT Portion 8026, approximately 30km North of Katherine.

The works will create a right and left turn on the Stuart Highway for vehicles to safely enter and exit the facility, improving road safety and creating a safer environment for all road users.

Works are expected to be completed by late August 2024.


Cotton Gin intersection – Stuart Highway, Katherine Access Road map


DIPL Project Officer, Vikrant Jagarlamudi
Phone: 08 8973 8669
Email: vikrant.jagarlamudi@nt.gov.au

Cox Peninsula Road and Darwin River Road intersection upgrade

Latest update

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics upgrade of the Cox Peninsula Road and Darwin River Road intersection is now complete.

The upgrade included:

  • widening of Cox Peninsula Road
  • construction of left and right turning lanes onto Darwin River Road
  • culvert extensions
  • lighting and signage upgrades
  • line marking.

The upgrades will enhance safety and improve the flow of traffic.

Project complete

Previous announcements


Project Manager: Tim Burgess
Email: tim.burgess@nt.gov.au

Cox Peninsula Road and Southport Road intersection upgrade

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading the Cox Peninsula Road and Southport Road intersection.

The upgrade will involve widening Cox Peninsula Road to accommodate dedicated left and right turning lanes onto Southport Road.

Access to Southport Road and Cox Peninsula Road will be maintained at all times. All road users and nearby residents are advised to take caution during these works and comply with any traffic management in place.

The upgrade will enhance safety and improve the flow of traffic.

Works will commence in February 2024 and are expected to be complete by July 2024.


Project Manager: Tim Burgess
Phone: 8999 4609
Email: tim.burgess@nt.gov.au

Daly River boat ramp upgrades

Construction of a new car park and ablution facility at the Daly River Boat Ramp is now completed.

The new car park and ablution facility provides a safe parking space for boat ramp users and minimises waste and dust in the area.

Repairs were made to the toe of the boat ramp to provide safe boat launching at low river levels.

This project is jointly funded under the Northern Territory Government’s $50 million RecFishing Futures Program and the Australian Government’s Recreational Fishing and Camping Facilities Program, and supports the NT Government’s commitment to improving recreational fishing infrastructure in the Territory.


Daly River Boat ramp map


Email: communications.dipl@nt.gov.au

Darwin Living Lab House Comfort Ratings

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics and CSIRO co-led a Darwin Living Lab project to develop new voluntary comfort ratings for Darwin residential building designs.

Current energy ratings assess energy use when air conditioners are in use. The new comfort ratings assess the comfort of Darwin living room and bedroom designs when no air conditioning is used.

The comfort ratings:

  • complement the current energy ratings used to demonstrate compliance with National Construction Code energy efficiency requirements
  • are for voluntary use for design optimisation
  • are provided for Darwin (and other Top End) postcodes in a trial version of CSIRO’s accredited nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) software, AccuRate

Comfort Rating Certificate

Darwin Living Lab House Comfort Ratings

  • Comfort indicators assess how thermally comfortable living areas and bedrooms are without air conditioning in NatHERS Climate Zone 1 (including Darwin)
  • The "Comfort Rating" for each room is based on the predicted annual Degree hours of Discomfort above the relevant Comfort Threshold. That is, the sum of all Degrees of Discomfort when the room is assumed to be occupied in a year. The higher the rating out of 10 the better.
  • The "Percentage of Time Comfortable" is the predicted proportion of time conditions in each room are below the relevant Comfort Threshold during occupied hours.
  • "Worst Hour" provides the predicted Degrees of Discomfort above the relevant Comfort Threshold for the worst hour of the year, for that room, during occupied hours. Timing of Worst Hour will vary between rooms.
  • Degrees of Discomfort unit of measurement is Effective Temperature (degrees Celsius). Methodology considers the impacts of air and surface radiant temperatures, humidity, natural ventilation and air flow from ceiling fans.
  • Living area and bedroom Comfort Thresholds differ and vary by month. The Comfort Thresholds are based on an ASHRAE Standard 55-2020 formula (modified for Darwin) which takes into account how people acclimatise to the average outside temperature each month as well as occupant clothing levels and metabolic rates
  • Clothing levels and metabolic rates are different for living areas and bedrooms and based on research results.
  • Occupied hours are the same as assumed for Energy Star Ratings - living zones: 7am - midnight; and bedrooms: 4pm - 9am.
  • Kitchen - Living room thermal loads assume the same cooking appliance heat loads used in Energy Star Ratings

Explanatory notes

Industry and community opportunities to discuss the project included:

The Darwin Living Lab has approved funding for a comfort rating roll-out project.  This project is being managed by CSIRO and will allow comfort ratings to be provided by house energy rating assessors when they are energy rating Darwin residential building designs.

Commencement of the project is scheduled for early 2024.  More information will be made available on the Darwin Home Comfort Rating – Darwin Living Lab (csiro.au) website

Information for assessors on how to upload output files from any accredited NatHERS software into the trial version of AccuRate is at: Thermal comfort rating rollout – resources for assessors – Darwin Living Lab (csiro.au) website

Accredited NatHERS software providers are being encouraged to integrate the comfort rating methodology into their software.

For more information

Visit Csiro website.


DIPL Project Manager Johanna Kieboom 
email: Johanna.Kieboom@nt.gov.au
Call: 08 8999 2506.

Darwin Passenger Rail Terminal

The Northern Territory Government is investigating alternate locations for the Darwin Passenger Rail Terminal, with a tender released to undertake a feasibility study.

The feasibility study will investigate a more appropriate location for the terminal in the medium to long term without affecting existing uses along the rail corridor.

At the moment, the study will look at the areas of Tivendale and Archer as locations along the existing rail corridor, however, the project scope will be open to consider other locations on merit.

The tender for the study is now closed and is expected to be awarded in November 2021.



Darwin Urban Asphalt Projects 2024

Delivery of the 2024 Darwin Urban Asphalt Program will commence in May 2024.

The Northern Territory Government will be undertaking asphalt repair work at various locations between May and June.

Road users should take care where works are being performed and to use alternate routes where possible.

Drivers are advised of the following areas that will be impacted:


Should you wish to discuss the asphalt resurfacing project, contact:

Project manager: Wayne Oliver
Phone: 08 8946 5047

Darwin and Palmerston bus stop upgrades

Latest update

Read the stakeholder notice PDF (1.0 MB).

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading 12 bus stops across the Darwin and Palmerston network to improve passenger experience and safety.

Upgrades include:

  • new concrete path
  • new shelter
  • bus stop signage
  • line marking
  • grassing.

Works will commence in early-March 2022 and are expected to be completed by early-June 2022, weather dependent.

Bus stops will be delivered in stages.

Construction will not interfere with bus timetables or routes and a temporary bus stop will be installed during construction.

Please adhere to all traffic management and safety measures in place.

Bus stops being upgraded are in Alawa, Bakewell, Casuarina, Karama, Leanyer, Lyons, Malak, Moulden, Woodroffe and Zuccoli.


Bus stops upgrade


Project Manager: James Stanway
Phone: 08 8999 4618
Email: james.stanway@nt.gov.au

Darwin bus stop upgrades

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading six bus stops across the Darwin network to improve passenger experience and safety.

Bus stops being upgraded are in Alawa, Karama, The Narrows and Winnellie.

Bus stop 182, 68, 190, 189 and 374.

Upgrades include:

  • new concrete bus stop platform and footpath
  • new shelter
  • bus stop seating
  • bus stop signage
  • line marking
  • grassing.

Works commenced in April 2023 and were completed in July 2023.

Construction will not interfere with bus timetables or routes and a temporary bus stop will be installed nearby during construction.


Project Manager: Christopher Grattan
Phone: 08 8999 4537
Email: Christopher.Grattan@nt.gov.au

Maps and concept images

Darwin bus stop upgrades

Darwin bus stop upgrades 14 and 129

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading two bus stops across the Darwin network to improve passenger experience and safety.

Bus stops being upgraded are in Brinkin and Karama.

Bus stop 14 and 129.

Upgrades include:

  • new concrete bus stop platform and footpath
  • new shelter
  • bus stop seating
  • bus stop signage
  • line marking
  • grassing.

Works will commence in August 2024 and are expected to be completed in October 2024.

Construction will not interfere with bus timetables or routes and a temporary bus stop will be installed nearby during construction.

All upgrades follow current Disability Discrimination Act 1992 requirements.

Please comply with all traffic management and safety measures in place.


Project Manager: Christopher Grattan
Phone: 08 8999 4537
Email: Christopher.Grattan@nt.gov.au

Maps and concept images

Darwin bus stop upgrades

Dorat Road culvert replacements and floodway upgrade

Latest update

Read the latest fact sheet PDF (1.0 MB).

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is carrying out culvert replacement and floodway upgrade works on Dorat Road to improve road safety.


Dorat Road Map


Project Officer: Herui Zhu
Phone: 08 8946 5013
Email: herui.zhu@nt.gov.au

Dundee Beach boat ramp

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is undertaking improvement works at the Dundee Beach boat ramp facility.

These works will:

  • allow for land-based fishing via a walkway jetty and platform along the top of the groyne
  • provide improved access to the groyne
  • accommodate short-term mooring of vessels to facilitate loading and unloading without impacting ramp use.
  • help reduce the rate of sand build-up on the ramp, reducing the frequency of maintenance, to maximise future ramp access for users.

In 2018, the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) appointed Cardno to undertake a study which looked at:

  • where the sediment is coming from
  • how to reduce build up on the Dundee Beach boat ramp
  • possible solutions.

The study considered:

  • the effect of excavating in various locations to reduce sediment build up on the ramp
  • possible upgrades to the existing groyne to better counteract the movement of sand and sediment at the ramp
  • possible additional infrastructure, such as a new groyne to the south of the boat ramp.

The study found that there is no ‘silver bullet’ to solve the sand and silt build up issue at the ramp.

There are a number of factors that affect sediment build up on the boat ramp and in the boating channel.

Some of these can be addressed such as sediment movement and deposition. Others, such as suspended sedimentation (the sediment mixed in with the water) cannot be dealt with at any feasible cost, which the study found is the reason for most of the sediment build up on the ramp.

Working group

In 2020, the Northern Territory Government (NTG) formed a working group to:

  • consider findings of a sediment-movement study at Dundee Beach boat ramp and
  • develop short, medium and long term options for Government’s consideration.

The working group includes representatives from:

  • the NTG (including NT Fisheries and DIPL)
  • AFANT and
  • NT Guided Fishers Association.


The NTG will be undertaking works to reduce the frequency of maintenance need to remove sand and silt build-up at the boat ramp by:

  • reconstructing the groyne to improve the ability to prevent the build-up of sand on the ramp and help reduce the frequency of maintenance
  • providing an accessible footpath along the top of the new groyne including a platform to facilitate land-based fishing
  • constructing a walkway jetty to allow for safer loading and unloading of recreational vessels.

A tender for the detailed design and construction was released in late June 2022, with the construction works expected to start in early 2023.

Investigations of sand and silt build-up at the boat ramp have been undertaken, including modelling and reviewing historical weather and ocean data to assess possible mitigations.

Conclusions found sand/silt build up cannot be prevented, however, these works will reduce the frequency of the need to remove sand and silt build-up. To protect ramp users from adverse weather conditions, the groyne is a necessity.


John Kassaras
Project Manager
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistic


Phone: 08 89994788

Dundee Place Road Upgrades


Dundee Place upgrades map


The upgrades include:

  • widening and upgrading Dundee Place to an 8 metre width seal for a length of approximately 310 metres
  • improvements to pavements
  • addressing drainage issues
  • improvements to the intersection of Dundee Place, Namarada Drive and Balanda Drive.

The design requires the removal of 31 trees in the vicinity of the works. When construction is complete, the area will be replaced.

Works are due to commence on 21 November and is expected to be completed in mid-2023.


Continued access will be maintained to the:

  • Dundee Beach caravan park
  • boat ramp will be maintained.

Speed restrictions and temporary lane closures in place. Road users are asked to adhere to all traffic management in the area.

The project is part of the Australian Government’s Roads Recovery Program to improve facilities for road users in the Territory.


For more information about this project, please contact Department of Infrastructure, Planning and logistics Project Manager, Ferozkhan M Ibrahim on 08 8999 4467 or email ferozkhan.mohamedIbrahim@nt.gov.au

Elcho Island Airstrip

A new, secure aircraft compound will be constructed at the Elcho Island Airport in Arnhem Land.

The $3.16 million project is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Regional Aviation Access Program and the Northern Territory Government.

Works include the demolition of the current western apron and construction of a larger paved apron area with edge lighting and line marking as well as the construction of a secure airplane compound with fencing, a lockable gate and CCTV cameras to provide security for airline operators.

Upgrading the facilities at the Elcho Island Airport will have a positive impact on the local community by creating jobs and improving facilities for continued tourism in the area.



Project Director: Richard Underhill
Phone: 0429 879 995
Email: richard.underhill@nt.gov.au

Emergency Vehicle Priority (EVP) system

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is trialling an emergency vehicle priority (EVP) system to improve ambulance emergency response times.

An EVP system allows ambulances to automatically trigger a green traffic light in advance of arriving at an intersection, when it is safe to do so.

Passing through an intersection under green light conditions is faster and safer for emergency vehicles and other road users.

Traffic signals will resume their normal cycle once the ambulance has passed through, minimising traffic disruptions.

The implementation of an EVP system supports action 1.6 from the Towards Zero Road Safety Action Plan 2018-2022:

  • Continually monitor, evaluate, and introduce emerging technology that assists in achieving the vision of the plan.

The system will operate at traffic light installed intersections in Darwin along the Stuart Highway, Bagot Road and Trower Road.

If successful, an EVP system could be rolled out to all ambulances, and be the basis of a system for use with fire and police services.

The trial will run for 6 months from February 2024 to August 2024, with 6 ambulances fitted with the system.

When you see an emergency vehicle

Drivers must always give way and drive with due care when they hear a siren or see the flashing red and blue lights of an emergency vehicle.

Use your indicators when giving way or pulling off the road. This tells the driver of the emergency vehicle that you know they are there.

To find out more about how to stay safe around emergency vehicles, rules of the road and basic driving skills read the Road Users’ Handbook.

EVP system map


To find out more information:

Enabling infrastructure for Holtze development

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) will be starting construction of the enabling and public infrastructure to support the release of urban residential land in Holtze.

Works will include targeted site clean-up, construction of road and intersection upgrades, storm water drainage; electrical, water and sewer reticulation; landscaping and lighting.

Works will be staged and are expected to be completed as follows:

Site clean-up

Tender awarded Friday 26 April, 2024. Works are expected to commence May 2024 and be completed July 2024.

Part A enabling Infrastructure

Tender has been released Monday 29 April, 2024. Works are expected to commence mid in 2024 and be completed by late 2025 (weather permitting).

Part B enabling Infrastructure

These works are currently in design and construction is expected to commence in mid-2025 following a tender process.

Additional Infrastructure

Further works for Greater Holtze will be delivered in future stages, subject to outcomes of ongoing planning work.

DIPL’s work is guided by and subject to the Northern Territory Planning Commission’s Holtze to Elizabeth River Subregional Land Use Plan and the Greater Holtze Area Plan.

Communication with stakeholders including land owners, businesses and residents will be ongoing throughout construction.

For further information about the project, please contact Hotline 1800 920 260 or email feedback@truenorthcomm.com.au.

Holtze and Kowandi enabling infrastructure

Fishing jetty – Dudley Point

The Northern Territory Recreational Fishing Development Plan 2023-33 supports the development of fishing opportunities and experiences for everyone in the community.

Dudley Point at East Point Reserve is proposed as a location for a fishing jetty and will be funded by the Territory’s $50 million RecFishing Futures Program.

This NTG initiative would see any future development progressed as a collaborative approach between NT Fisheries - Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) and Infrastructure Delivery - Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL).

The construction of a fishing jetty at Dudley Point would provide safe land-based access to deeper water for anglers, over a greater tidal range.

A jetty would be particularly beneficial for children, families and people with disability who may not otherwise be able to access safe fishing in these waters.

The fishing jetty would also allow access to a large variety of fish species, and existing infrastructure would minimise development.


The department has undertaken an environmental impact assessment and referred it to the NT Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) to assess against the NT EPA’s guidance.

The assessment determined that the project is unlikely to trigger the requirement for referral to the NT EPA (under the Environment Protection Act 2019). The results of the self-assessment indicates that the risk of potential impacts on NT EPA factors and objectives is either unlikely or avoidable through mitigation measures.

These measures would be developed and monitored through a construction Environmental Management Plan, if the project proceeds.

Authority Certificate

The department undertook a self-assessment in accordance with the NT EPA’s guidance and determined that there was no potential for significant impacts, and a referral under the Environment Protection Act 2019 was not required.


A prior search of the NT Heritage Register by the NT Heritage Branch shows the proposed site is not impact by development. A listed heritage site is noted as being nearby but construction is not likely to impact on the site.

DIPL will request a current heritage site search should the proposed development go ahead.


A public survey was conducted from 4 June to 2 July 2024 with results now closed for evaluation and review.

Once collated, results will made available on this project page.


To find out more, contact Mark Taylor on mobile 0401 115 759 or email mark.taylor@nt.gov.au.

Former Don Dale Youth Detention Centre site demolition

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is demolishing the former Don Dale Youth Detention Centre site on Tivendale Road, Berrimah.

The Northern Territory Government will invest $2 million to undertake the demolition of the existing buildings and clearing of the site. Investigations into the repurposing of the site are occurring.

Demolition commenced in July 2024 and is expected to be completed by October 2024.


Demolition works will take place Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 4:30pm.

Some weekend work may be required throughout the demolition process and this will be communicated in advance where possible.

The contractor will take all practicable measures to reduce impacts to nearby residents such as noise and dust.

Traffic management is in place.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to the project team, call Louis Cristiani on 08 8946 5232 or email louis.cristiani@nt.gov.au.

Garramilla Boulevard and Tiger Brennan Drive duplication

Latest update

This project is now complete.

Garramilla Boulevard will provide a new entry point to Darwin’s CBD.

The project will also complete the duplication of Tiger Brennan Drive, from Dinah Beach Road to McMinn Street.

This is a landmark project that will help unlock the potential of the city’s eastern end.

Garramilla Boulevard will connect Tiger Brennan Drive to Cavenagh Street. This will assist with distributing traffic throughout the CBD.

The Boulevard will have a tropical, inner city feel and support development in Darwin CBD.

Name change

Garramilla Boulevard was formerly known as Barneson Boulevard. The Northern Territory Government renamed the Boulevard to its Larrakia name, Garramilla.

Larrakia Development Corporation advised the word 'Garramilla' has a significance for Larrakia people.

The word refers to the white stone that appears in the cliff-faces around Darwin Harbour.

Work updates

Concept image

Map of Garramilla Boulevard

Download the map of the project PDF (10.1 MB).

Watch the Greening Darwin CBD video - September 2017.

Project details

Traffic modelling

The project will:

  • reduce commuting times by bringing traffic into the centre of the CBD
  • dispersing traffic more equally through the CBD
  • create better links for cyclists of pedestrians into the CBD.

The below traffic modelling information sets out the 'level of service' road performance criteria and provides information about the ratings of roads on Darwin’s road network.

Environment and heritage

Creating and growing a shaded boulevard is essential to this project and will create a cool streetscape with excellent pedestrian and cyclist linkages into the CBD. There will be approximately 200 shade trees planted along the new Barneson Boulevard. The heritage value of Frog Hollow Park will be preserved. Enhancements to public spaces adjacent to the park as well as improved access will open up the space to be enjoyed by many more Territorians and visitors.

The Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) released its decision in November 2017 that the potential environmental impacts and risks of this project are not so significant as to warrant further assessment by the NT EPA and that potential impacts and risks can be managed by DIPL through appropriate mitigation and management actions.

To read the full NT EPA decision download the decisions and statement of reasons.

Soil, groundwater and surface water sampling by GHD Pty Ltd was undertaken in late 2017 to investigate the nature and extent of any contamination, and to develop management options. GHD concluded that due to the low levels of contamination present, the limited excavations proposed for the project, and the recommended mitigation measures, the contamination represents a low risk to the road construction project, people and the environment.

plain-English summary of the investigation PDF (2.3 MB) is now available.

Community consultation

In late 2017, community input was invited on the landscaping and public space enhancement. 64,000 people were reached across a number of mediums and approximately 1,000 people engaged with the consultation project either by visiting the website, engagement on Facebook or at a community information stall. Download a copy of the consultation report PDF (1.6 MB).

In December 2016 - February 2017, consultation was undertaken on the development of concept designs for Barneson Boulevard and Tiger Brennan Drive. 152 surveys were completed, 3,200 homes and businesses were letterboxed, 304 people attended information booths, 21 face-to-face meetings were held, 11 written submissions received and 40,000 people were reached via Facebook. Download a copy of the consultation report PDF (19.4 MB).

In early 2015 consultation occurred with twelve directly impacted stakeholders through a targeted engagement project which was expanded later expanded upon to include the general public.

The general public were also included in early planning for Barneson Boulevard in 2013 as part of the Darwin City Centre Master Plan development process led by the City of Darwin.

Project partners

City of Darwin is contributing $5 million to the Barneson Boulevard and Tiger Brennan Drive Stage 3, with the Australian Government contributing $29.53 million and the Northern Territory Government $5 million.

Northern Territory Government in October 2017 compiled a report to provide clarity and sufficient information for City of Darwin to be able to confidently support the Barneson Boulevard project as an iconic, green infrastructure project that will breathe life into this part of the CBD. The report to City of Darwin PDF (18.9 MB) is now available.

Community information

Gunn Point - Emerging Agribusiness Precinct (EAP)

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is conducting initial site investigations at the Gunn Point Emerging Agribusiness Precinct (EAP), NT Portion 2626, 3820 Gunn Point Road, Koolpinyah.

The Gunn Point EAP is a pilot project of approximately 260 ha of land with opportunities for horticulture production. The precinct is being built to test new ways of growing crops, different farming techniques and the use of irrigation.

The pilot project will be used to evaluate if these new methods can be successful and profitable, and if they can be used in other farming areas in the Territory.

The initial site investigations will consist of:

  • development of a temporary access track
  • water borehole drilling test wells
  • water borehole pump tests
  • geotechnical (soil survey) investigations.

Site clearing to assist investigative works will be minimal at less than 1 ha.

During site investigations:

  • disturbed vegetation will remain on site for natural regeneration
  • no mature trees will be felled or removed
  • pumped water will be released into the environment
  • drilled test wells will be capped on-site.

Initial site investigations will start mid-November and be completed by mid-December, and will be situated within the location of works as shown in the below map.

Gunn Point Overview Map


To find out more information, contact:

DIPL Project Engineer, Ali Ashraf
t: 0456 579 042
e: ali.ashraf@nt.gov.au

Gunn Point and Glyde Point Road planning study

The Northern Territory Government is undertaking a planning study to determine the most suitable future road alignments which will connect:

  • Gunn Point Road (in the south) to the Stuart Highway, and
  • Gunn Point Road (in the north) to Glyde Point.

The project forms part of an overall planning study which also included the realignment, upgrade and seal of Gunn Point Road in 2018.

Gunn Point Overview Map

The study will take into account potential future development in the area as outlined in the Darwin Regional Land Use Plan 2015 which earmarks future development in this area.

Community consultation is ongoing and has been undertaken throughout various stages of the planning study. Consultation will next take place on the alignment of the north and south connectors.


Transport Planning
t: 08 8924 7118
e: transport.planning@nt.gov.au

Heat mitigation trial - Zones 1 to 5

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The Northern Territory Government is trialling a series of initiatives that will help reduce the impact of heat in our tropical city and rejuvenate Darwin’s CBD.

A heat mapping study undertaken in the Darwin CBD demonstrated high level surface temperatures exceeding 60 degrees in a few locations, including Cavenagh Street.

Over an 18 month period, five zones of heat mitigation methods will be trialled along Cavenagh Street, between Bennett and Knuckey Streets.

Previous announcements


Five zones of heat mitigation methods

Zone 1

Intersection upgrade

  • New turning lane
  • New landscaping
  • New pedestrian shade structures at each corner
  • New vine growth to the boundary fence of corner vacant block
  • Works completed in Zone 1 are being managed and delivered by the City of Darwin and complement the heat mitigation trial.

Zone 2

Construction of a shade structure

  • Construction of new light-weight framed structure to enable vegetation growth for shade
  • Removal of the existing central median strips
  • Misting to the underside of the structure will help improve thermal comfort
  • New up lighting at central vine locations
  • Power and water connections in median strip to allow for future events, such as markets
  • Vine planter and irrigation in central median
  • Clearance for vehicles and re alignment of parking; and
  • Landscaping

Zone 3

Cool Surface Treatments/Small Shade Structures

  • Two new pedestrian / shared zone crossings to align with the existing arcades
  • New cool, reflective pavement coating to road surface between the crossings; and
  • Standalone shade structures on both sides of pedestrian crossings. Note: car parking numbers are not affected due to new angle of parking

Zone 4

Relocatable Planters

  • A combination of established trees in large relocatable planters, and smaller vegetation planters to provide up to 20 per cent canopy cover
  • Informal pedestrian nodes such as seating and shaded waiting areas; and
  • New landscaped traffic islands to provide shade to car parking and passively slow vehicle movements. Note: car parking numbers are not affected due to new angle of parking.

Zone 5

Intersection Upgrade at corner of Knuckey and Cavenagh Streets

  • Two new established shade trees on intersection corners where there are currently none; and
  • A new cool, reflective crossing surface.
  • As part of this project, government have investigated options to increase parking capacity along Cavenagh Street. By increasing the current parking angle 10 degrees, there will be an additional 3 parking spaces, providing 117 parking spaces between Bennett and Knuckey Streets.


True North Strategic Communication
Phone: 08 8981 6445
Email: feedback@truenorthcomm.com.au

Heavitree Gap planning study

The Stuart Highway through Heavitree Gap (Ntaripe) is the primary route connecting the north and south of Australia.

Future traffic modelling show that it needs to be upgraded to meet future needs.

Engineering consultant, SMEC has been engaged to investigate a long-term infrastructure solution for duplicating the road through the Gap.

Their work will be considerate of all road, rail and pathway user needs, cultural and environmental values, safety, travel efficiency and aesthetics.

Why the planning study is needed

This project is about working with the community on ideas that might be viable to upgrade the road, when the need arises.

In 2016, the department undertook research to predict future traffic conditions for Alice Springs in 10 and 20 years, based on medium growth scenario identified in the 2009 Alice Springs Land Use Study.

The 2016 Alice Springs Regional Traffic Study revealed that improvements will need to be made to some parts of the road network in order to maintain a safe and efficient network.

This includes duplicating the Stuart Highway, through Heavitree Gap.

The Gap is reasonably narrow and constrained by the road, the National Railway line and the Todd River.

There are a number of Aboriginal sacred sites, heritage sites, as well as power and water services that are also located in The Gap.

It is important to consider all of these factors in the planning process to ensure we get the design right for the long term future of Alice Springs.

Wide lens photo of the heavitree gap region

Community consultation

The MacDonnell Ranges and the Todd River are valued highly by the Alice Springs community, and are an icon for Australian tourism.

We will engage with the community of Alice Springs to ensure everyone has an opportunity to have a say about the project.

Consultation will occur over three stages:

  • Stage 1, 30 January - 16 March 2018 - Information gathering stage
  • Stage 2, dates TBA - Community  feedback invited on possible designs
  • Stage 3, dates TBA - preferred design announced for community information

Have your say

To register your interest in finding out when consultation stage 2 is open, email transport.planning@nt.gov.au or call us on 8924 7118 to speak with the Stakeholder Engagement Manager.

The project team will be meeting with key stakeholders as part of the planning for this project, including:

  • Alice Springs Town Council
  • Tangentyere Council
  • Alice Springs Flood Mitigation Committee and Town Camps.

More information

For more information, read the:


Transport Planning
08 8924 7118

Hospital precinct intersection upgrade

The Northern Territory Government is upgrading the hospital precinct intersection at Rocklands Drive and Florey Avenue.

The upgrades will improve road safety for all road users, relieve traffic congestion and ensure clear access to the hospital is always maintained for emergency vehicles.

The upgrades include new dedicated left and right turns on Florey Avenue and Rocklands Drive, modifications to line marking and signage, and new indented parking along Rocklands Drive.

Works are anticipated to commence in April 2024 and be completed in July 2024.

Access will be maintained at all times with traffic management in place.


For more information about this project, please contact Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Senior Project Manager Loukas Gikopoulos via phone 8946 5056 or email loukas.gikopoulos@nt.gov.au.

Kahlin Compound Memorial – design

The Northern Territory Government recognises the former Myilly Point site of the Kahlin Compound and is committed to delivering a commemorative space in consultation with key stakeholders who have a connection to this historic site.

The Kahlin Compound was established in 1912 as a place where every Aboriginal person in Darwin was required by law to live. In 1913 the Stolen Generation children began being relocated to Kahlin Compound before being relocated in 1925 to the Half-Caste Home in Schultz Street.

The compound was relocated to Bagot Aboriginal Reserve in 1938 when authorities decided they could no longer effectively segregate the Aboriginal population, and most significantly, because the Kahlin site was deemed to be the best location for the new hospital.

The construction of a commemorative space will provide a culturally appropriate place for Aboriginal families and Kahlin Compound survivors and descendants to meet and commemorate the people and stories of the compound.

The space will also enable all Territorians and visitors to learn and understand the history of the site.

The design will be informed by key stakeholders who have a connection to the Kahlin Compound. It will be situated on the site of the former compound at 10 Lambell Terrace, Larrakeyah.

A design consultancy has been awarded and in consultation with key stakeholder groups, will develop documentation ready for a construction tender.

The finalised design documentation is due by September 2024.


Kahlin Compound Memorial – design


To find out more about the Kahlin Compound memorial, contact Director Portfolio Management Rebecca Stavrou on mobile 0438 309 149 or email rebecca.stavrou@nt.gov.au.

Kakadu Highway fatigue management zones

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics as part of a joint initiative with the Australian Government will be undertaking works to install extended safety barriers and rumble strips to the approaches of crossings along Kakadu Highway.

The project is part of the road safety improvement works along the Highway. Extended safety barriers will be installed at the approaches to Evelyn Creek Bridge, Barramundi Creek Bridge, two bridges at Jim Jim Creek, and three bridges at Nourlangie Creek.

Rumble strips as fatigue management zone trials will be constructed at the southern approaches (Pine Creek end) of Jim Jim Creek and Nourlangie Creek crossings. These fatigue management zones aim to increase driver alertness.

Works commenced in September 2021 and expected to be completed early 2022, weather depending.

The Kakadu National Park attractions will remain accessible throughout the works. Single lane closures are anticipated while works are occurring. Motorists are asked to adhere to all traffic management in place.


Kakadu Highway Map


Project Manager: Cielo Alvaran
Phone: 08 8999 4673
Email: Cielo.Alvaran@nt.gov.au

Karama walkways

Latest updates

The implementation of the planning study for pedestrian safety improvements on Vanderlin Drive in Karama are now complete.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) and the City of Darwin have worked collaboratively to improve pedestrian safety improvements in Karama on Vanderlin Drive.

The department constructed crossing facilities at the end of Mistletoe Circuit and Brazil Crescent and the walkways are now open to the public assisting pedestrians to cross Vanderlin Drive safely.

The works were completed in October 2021.

Karama Walkways concept


To discuss the project directly, contact:

Aftab Abro, Principal Traffic Engineer, DIPL
8924 7121

Katherine High School STEAM Centre

The Department of Infrastructure Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is conducting works at Katherine High School to build a new STEAM Centre.

Included in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Centre works will be a mix of upgrades to existing facilities and the construction of new areas to provide contemporary and high quality educational infrastructure that meets the needs of students, teachers and the school community.

Works will include new modern and purpose-built classrooms and new art and music studios with a tiered performance space.

Three leased demountables will be installed during construction to ensure enough space is available for classes to continue with no interruption to student learning.

Works are due to start April 2024 and be completed by January 2025.



If you would like to discuss the project further, contact:

Senior Project Manager Corey Charleson
8973 8625

Katherine Logistics and Agribusiness Hub

The Northern Territory Government is committed to developing Katherine’s regional horticultural and agricultural potential, and also as a logistics hub to strengthen the town’s role as a transport cross ways for Queensland and Western Australia commodities.

The Katherine Logistics and Agribusiness Hub will be a fully operational, multi-disciplined logistics and agribusiness hub to meet the current and future growth needs of Katherine, the Top End region and northern Australia.

Consideration of short, medium and longer term opportunities from the growth of various industries within the region, will further inform the nature and design of the hub, and allow for future demand.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is currently liaising with other key agencies and stakeholders to work towards identifying these opportunities, and delivering the Hub.

To support the development of Katherine as an agribusiness and logistics hub, the Department of Primary Industry and Resources has released the Agribusiness Potential of the Big Rivers Region document.

To learn about the outcomes of the industry needs assessment, read the Katherine Logistics and Agribusiness Hub industry assessment - factsheet PDF (770.3 KB).


Regional Director North: Jessica Powter
Phone: 08 8973 8922

Katherine flood mitigation

The Northern Territory Government is delivering the Katherine flood mitigation project.

Flood modelling has identified levee banks and upgraded drainage will provide the greatest reduction in flood impact for the smaller flood events; to better protect Katherine properties.

The embankment and wall levees, which form part of the structural mitigation recommendations from the Katherine Region Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee's report, will:

  • increase Katherine's flood resilience
  • improve flood protection of Katherine residential areas in flooding events up to a 1-in-20 year event.

The northern section flood levee (Stage 1 - Complete):

  • runs from the northern side of Knotts Crossing Resort and Caravan Park, near the old Katherine Airstrip to the Stuart Highway.
  • prevents overflows from Lockheed Drain during the 20-year (72-hour) flood event.

The southern section flood levee (Stage 2) will:

  • run from the Katherine Country Club along the eastern side of South Katherine to the southern tip of South Katherine.
  • prevent overflows from Tindal Creek during the 20-year, 18-hour, flood event.

Detailed design works and construction of structural mitigations are a component of the broader project, which also includes provision of town planning measures for alternative commercial land outside of the flood zone in Katherine East.

In 2018, the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics conducted extensive community consultation, with the feedback being considered and incorporated into the scope for the detailed design contract.

View flood mitigation projects being delivered across the Territory.

Maps/Concept images

Stage 1 concept and alignment

Stage 1 works, the Northern Section PDF (104.7 KB).

For the floodplain modelling and mapping for Katherine, go to the NT Government website.

Previous announcements


Project Manager: Jasmine Husson
Email: flood.mitigation@nt.gov.au

Katherine heavy vehicle alternate route planning study

A planning study to identify a preferred option for a future heavy vehicle alternate route was undertaken by Aurecon Group and finalised in 2019.

The project is a 20-plus year initiative that aims to eventually:

  • provide  an alternate route for heavy vehicles  that can be developed in stages when the need arises
  • provide a second high level crossing over Katherine River
  • complement the outcomes of the Katherine flood mitigation report and the Transport Business Hub.

A key aim of this long-term project is to provide an alternative option for heavy vehicles that does not restrict visitor and tourist growth and spending in the town centre.

The planning study was an Australian Government initiative funded under the Infrastructure Investment Programme.


Preferred route

Community consultation

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics undertook three rounds of community and stakeholder consultation between 2015 and 2017.

The three rounds of consultation included:

  • round 1 consultation - held for six weeks over July – August 2015 seeking community feedback on the need for a heavy vehicle alternate route and possible routes for the road to follow
  • round 2 consultation - held for six weeks over October – November 2015 and sought feedback on three potential route options
  • round 3 consultation - held for 11 weeks over December 2016 – March 2017, displaying the preferred route for public information.

Throughout the duration of the project, community members were invited to:

  • make a written/online submission
  • visit one of the 12 community drop-in sessions
  • review the public exhibition at the Katherine Library
  • meet with the project team to provide input or find out more information.

Next step

The route will now be embedded in the Katherine land use plan.

Fact sheets


Transport Planning

Phone: 08 8924 7118
Email: transport.planning@nt.gov.au

Lambrick Avenue and Hutchison Terrace intersection upgrade

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading the intersection of Lambrick Avenue and Hutchison Terrace.

A new right turn lane from Lambrick Avenue into Hutchison Terrace Palmerston, will be created to improve road safety.

The new lane will ease congestion around peak times, and allow motorists to safely turn into Hutchison Terrace or continue along Lambrick Avenue.

Works are expected to take 6 weeks and be completed by late February 2024.

Map of work on Lambrick Avenue and Hutchison Terrace intersection


Project manager: Justin Rossiter
Phone: 08 8999 3463

Leanyer Primary School - new classroom building

The Northern Territory Government is constructing a new classroom building at Leanyer Primary School.

The project is part of Leanyer Primary School’s infrastructure master plan, and will provide quality, contemporary learning spaces for students.

The new building will replace four old demountable classrooms with brand new facilities including:

  • four classrooms
  • a breakout space
  • a teachers office
  • an outdoor learning space
  • a plant room to house the air conditioning plant.

Demolition works have commenced in January 2021, with construction commencing thereafter. Works are expected to be completed in June 2021.

Maps/concept images

Leanyer Primary School new classroom concept


Project Manager: Jacques Van Der Hyde

Email: jacques.vanderhyde@nt.gov.au.

Lee Point Road shared path

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics in conjunction with the City of Darwin have completed work to construct a new shared pedestrian and cycle path along Lee Point Road from Aldenham Road, Muirhead, to the carpark area at Lee Point.

The community can now enjoy the new shared path that provides a safe pedestrian and bike rider friendly access along Lee Point Road to the recreational facilities at Lee Point and the Casuarina Coastal Reserve.


Map of Lee Point Road Shared Path

Map of Lee Point Road Shared Path

Litchfield Park Road - road widening of 2 sections between CH17km to CH19km

The Northern Territory Government is undertaking roadworks on Litchfield Park Road in 2 sections between Batchelor and the Florence Falls/Buley Rockhole turnoff.

The works involve road shoulder extensions and sealing, guardrail installation, drainage improvements, guidepost and line marking installation.

Works commenced October 2023 and are now complete.


Map showing sections of Litchfield Park Road being widened


Project manager: James Stanway
Phone: 08 8999 4618

Litchfield Park Road widening

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The Northern Territory Government and Australian Government is widening a section of Litchfield Park Road between Batchelor and the Buley/Florence turnoff to improve road safety.

Works are expected to be completed by mid-June 2021.


Lichfield Park Road road widening map

Previous announcements

Read the Litchfield Park Road widening fact sheet PDF (316.0 KB).


Project Manager: James Stanway
Phone: 08 8999 4618
Email: james.stanway@nt.gov.au

Little Mindil Beach footpath erosion remediation

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics will be undertaking remediation works to an eroded footpath on Little Mindil Beach.

These works will provide a long-term solution to:

  • restore the footpath and wall
  • improve pedestrian safety.


Little Mindil Beach Map

Previous announcements

Read the fact sheet - October 2020 PDF (989.5 KB).


Project officer: Ken Gardner
Phone: 08 8999 6597
Email: ken.gardner@nt.gov.au

Lot 495, Town of Katherine – demolition

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is demolishing the old buildings and clearing the site on Lot 495, Town of Katherine.

The site at 29 Giles Street consists of an old community hall, small fuel storage building, outside undercover stage and a nursery shade house.

The site was last used as a community hall in 2020 and has not been used for any purpose since.

An independent structural assessment shows that the main building is beyond economic repair due to the extensive works required for the building to be made suitable to use as a community hall.

To ensure community safety, it will be demolished and cleared. Works will commence April 2024 and are expected to be complete by the end of May 2024.

DIPL will work with local community groups to consider options for the future use of the site.

Karama Walkways concept


To find out more on the demolition of Lot 495, Town of Katherine, contact:

Shoshane Boyd
Project Officer 
8973 8924 

Mango roads upgrade and seal

Latest updates

Work is now complete on the final package to be delivered as part of the Mango Roads Upgrade Program. The upgrade and seal of the section of Kentish Road between the end of the existing bitumen near Hay Road and Hopewell Road was completed in August 2022.

Read the stakeholder notice  - July 2024 PDF (578.3 KB)

Key sections of road in the Territory’s most productive mango growing region will be upgraded. This project aims to improve mango quality and increase local industry productivity.

The project to upgrade and seal four sections of unsealed roads will improve:

  • access and connectivity between mango farms and packing sheds in the Litchfield municipality
  • safety for contractors, workers and residents.

The $21 million project is jointly funded by the Australian and Northern Territory (NT) governments and the Litchfield Council.

The NT Government is delivering the project to deliver sealing and upgrades to:

  • Chibnall Road between Old Bynoe and Leonino Road (5.4km) - 2020
  • Mocatto Road between Whitstone and Acacia Gap Road (3.2km) - 2020
  • Horsnell Road between Elizabeth Valley Road and Alverly Road (3.4km) - 2020
  • Kentish Road between Hopewell Road and the end of seal (3.2km) - 2021.

Access for local residents and businesses will be maintained during construction.

Stakeholder notice

Read the below stakeholder notices:

Project benefits

The project is expected to have the following benefits:

  • Highly productive mango farms and packing sheds are along the routes to be upgraded and sealed. The unsealed roads are used either to move fruit from orchards to the packing sheds, or from the sheds to market. The roads are also the access routes for staff and supply chain inputs.
  • A business case on the project commissioned by Litchfield Council and the NT Farmers Association found sealing of these roads would reduce bruising - which would be sufficient to increase revenue for the relevant producers by more than $1 million each year.
  • The project will improve the production output of farms in the vicinity, encouraging further investment and supporting and creating jobs in the sector. Permanent employment on farm is predicted to increase by six to ten staff, and harvest workers by 28 staff (4.7FTE) during the harvest period.
  • The project will support:
    • an estimated 109 jobs during the construction phase
    • an estimated 10 ongoing jobs in operations.
  • It’s expected there will be increased investment and employment on local mango farms and packing sheds over the 30-year horizon of the project.
  • The upgrades will also reduce the extent of closures during major weather events and will improve road safety.


The following map shows where the road works will occur.

All roads affected by the mango roads upgrade and seal

Marrakai Road – upgrade and seal Arnhem Highway to Stephen Road

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is upgrading the Arnhem Highway and Marrakai Road intersection, and Marrakai Road, from the Arnhem Highway to Stephen Road.

Intersection works include the construction of turning lanes at the Arnhem Highway and Marrakai Road intersection. Upgrade and sealing works of Marrakai Road will occur from the Arnhem Highway intersection to Stephen Road, approximately 3 km, including upgrades to Burnside Road, Barney Street and Stephen Road intersections.

Works will take place over 2 stages:

  • stage one will begin in February 2024
  • stage 2 is expected to begin in May 2024.

All works are expected to be completed by November 2024.

The upgrades will enhance road safety and improve access for all road users.

Marrakai Road upgrade


If you would like to discuss this project further, contact:

DIPL Project Manager: James Stanway
Phone: 8999 4618
Email: james.stanway@nt.gov.au

Marrara - upgrade of entry ways

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics has upgraded the entry ways at Carnoustie Circuit and Lakes Crescent in Marrara to improve pedestrian access.

The works included:

  • rendering existing brick walls on Carnoustie Circuit and Lakes Crescent
  • upgrades to kerbing and median island on Carnoustie Circuit
  • realigning a section of the existing wall on Lakes Crescent
  • landscaping.

Works were completed in September 2023.


Work areas in Carnoustie Circuit and Lakes Crescent


Project manager: Victor Jay
Phone: 8999 4427
Email: victor.jay@nt.gov.au

Marrara detention basin

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The project on the corner of McMillans Road and Henry Wrigley Drive in Marrara temporarily detains storm water flows from Anula, Moil and parts of Marrara.

The detention basin, combined with other flood mitigation measures, will reduce the impact of flooding on downstream properties.

The grassed basin floor and embankment detains water generally no longer than 24 hours after a large rainfall event.

Maryvale Road

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics will be upgrading and sealing approximately 10 kilometres of Maryvale Road in an early works package funded by the Australian Government and the Northern Territory Government.

Maryvale Road is a 105 kilometre road connecting Maryvale (Titjikala) Station to Alice Springs.

The works will improve the transport network by increasing connectivity and reducing travel times, in addition to cutting costs for freight operators and enhancing economic opportunities for the mining, cattle and tourism industries. It will improve access to remote communities for health and social services which will improve the standards of living and equity for Aboriginal communities.

The key benefits for the project include:

  • Reduced travel time;
  • Reduced costs to freight operators and improved route reliability through a decrease in road closures and reduced vehicle operating costs;
  • Improve flood immunity, traffic safety and reliability;
  • Improved opportunities for all industries through improved access across the region; and
  • Reduced accidents by improving overall safety of the route.

Maps/concept images

Maryvale road concept map

McMillans Road and Kalymnos Drive intersection upgrade

McMillans Road and Kalymnos Drive intersection upgrade is now completed.

The Australian and Northern Territory governments completed the works to enhance the safety at the McMillans Road and Kalymnos Drive intersection.

The scope of works included:

  • installation of traffic signals with an uninterruptable power supply
  • traffic island and median re-configuration
  • a signalised pedestrian crossing across the Kalymnos Drive
  • upgrades to street lights
  • pavement markings, signage and landscaping.

The works will improve safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists through better controlling the flow of traffic entering and exiting Kalymnos Drive to McMillans Road.


McMillans Rd and Kalymnos Drive intersection

Stakeholder updates

Stakeholder notice — McMillans Road and Kalymnos Drive Intersection October 2022 PDF (920.2 KB)


Project Manager Josefa Tchong

Phone: 8999 4512

Email: Josefa.Tchong@nt.gov.au

McMillans Road and Mueller Road intersection upgrade

The Northern Territory Government has identified a need to upgrade the McMillans Road and Mueller Road intersection to improve safety for road users when entering and exiting Mueller Road.

The scope of works include:

  • extension of left turn lane into Mueller Road
  • re-configuration of traffic islands and verges
  • re-alignment of pedestrian crossings within the median and verges
  • installation of tactile ground surface indicators, road signage and hold rails
  • asphalt and pavement marking works
  • minor landscaping works
  • relocation of Vocus service cabling.


Diagram of McMillans Road and Mueller Road intersection with area of road works marked

Previous announcement

Read the McMillans Road and Mueller Road intersection upgrade fact sheet - Oct 2020 PDF (328.0 KB).


Project Manager: Josefa Tchong
Phone: 08 8999 4512
Email: josefa.tchong@nt.gov.au

McMillans Road, Northlakes pedestrian crossing

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is constructing a new pedestrian crossing on McMillans Road near Northlakes Shopping Centre.

The new pedestrian crossing will:

  • improve road safety for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists, by incorporating a signalised pedestrian crossing and a footpath
  • improve accessibility to and from the bus stop on McMillians Road and the Northlakes Shopping Centre.

The addition of the crossing is not expected to have a significant impact on commuter traffic in the area.

Works are expected to commence mid-September and be completed by the end of December.

Pedestrian crossing diagram - McMillans Road


A study undertaken in 2020 showed that pedestrians often cross the road at the location of the proposed crossing, and providing a signalised crossing here will encourage and facilitate safer access for pedestrians to the shopping centre.

A concept design for the crossing was developed following two rounds of community consultation and technical investigations found that a two-staged signalised pedestrian crossing would provide the most viable safety solution.


Victor Jay
Senior Project Manager
0427 634 298

Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct

The Northern Territory Government (NTG) is working with industry and the Australian Government to transform Middle Arm into a sustainable ‘development ready’ industrial precinct.

Learn more about the precinct on the Middle Arm website.

Preserving the environment including Darwin Harbour for generations to come is an important part of meeting the sustainability objectives of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct (the precinct).

The precinct is proposed across approximately 1,500 hectares of industrial land and will:

  • capitalise on the Territory’s strategic location and world-class solar resources
  • be designed to attract industries reflective of the Territory’s future economy including hydrogen, carbon capture, advanced manufacturing and minerals processing
  • drive industry diversification, exports, job creation and population growth
  • play a pivotal role in growing the Northern Territory (NT) economy.

Infrastructure map

Click on the map to enlarge it.

Read the project overview fact sheet PDF (2.0 MB).

Sustainable outcomes are at the core of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct.

The master planning process will deliver concept designs for the integration of dedicated renewable energy links such as solar, carbon capture and shared waste water treatment facilities.

The essential elements and opportunities of a sustainable development precinct as it relates to Middle Arm include:

  • maximising renewable energy use
  • maximising economic outcomes while minimising environmental and social impacts
  • efficient water use including reuse where possible
  • circular economy principles including reusing waste streams (such as using waste as a feedstock) and carbon capture
  • efficient use of infrastructure.

Preserving Darwin’s environmental values, including the Darwin Harbour, is a critical goal to meeting the sustainable objectives of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct.

There are a number of other benefits of developing a precinct which lead to sustainable outcomes. You can read more in the project overview fact sheet.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) has commissioned a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) that takes account of all likely activities in the precinct for the next 50 years.

The SEA will seek approval for a program of development under the:

  1. Environment Protection Act 2019 (which considers environmental, social, cultural, economic and health impacts and management regimes)
  2. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (which considers impacts on matters of national environmental and heritage significance).

Commencement of the SEA is the starting point of a rigorous process. It will ensure all potential environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts are considered. Protecting the environment, including Darwin Harbour, is an important part of this work.

The SEA considers the direct footprint of the precinct as well as all areas likely to be affected by project activities such as:

  • land clearing
  • air emissions, noise and waste
  • water and energy use
  • any impact on plants and animals, particularly threatened species
  • disturbance from infrastructure such as roads, jetties and pipelines
  • dredging and shipping in Darwin Harbour
  • workforce planning, land use plans, access routes and impacts on the amenity and wellbeing of people living in the Greater Darwin Area
  • cultural, economic, tourism and recreational uses of the land and seas.

The requirements of the Strategic Assessment process are set out in the below documents:

Strategic Assessment Agreement under section 146 of the EPBC Act

The Strategic Assessment Agreement (Agreement) PDF (1.1 MB) made under section 146 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) was signed by the NT Chief Minister on 18 March 2022 and the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment on 31 March 2022. The Agreement sets out the requirements for development and endorsement of the Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct (MASDP) Program and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that assesses the impacts of the Program on matters protected by the EPBC Act.

There is also a Variation to the Agreement PDF (5.1 MB) signed on 4 December 2023. The Agreement was varied to revise the maps of the Strategic Assessment area and reflect the name change of the Commonwealth Environment Department to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Terms of Reference for Strategic Assessment by an EIS under the EP Act (NT Terms of Reference)

The final NT Terms of Reference were issued by the NT EPA on 29 September 2022 following a period of public consultation and feedback that took place from 12 April – 10 June 2022. The NT Terms of Reference detail the information that is required to be provided in the EIS to meet the requirements of the NT EP Act.

Terms of Reference for a Part 10 Strategic Assessment under the EPBC Act (Commonwealth)

The Commonwealth Minister for the Environment agreed to finalise the Commonwealth Terms of Reference PDF (140.3 KB) on 4 October 2023. This followed public consultation and feedback on the Commonwealth Terms of Reference between 11 May – 10 June 2022. The finalised Commonwealth Terms of Reference detail the information that must be provided in the EIS as required under the EPBC Act.

Read more in the environmental assessment fact sheet PDF (217.0 KB).

Stakeholder and community engagement is an important part of precinct planning and environmental assessment.

With over 300 engagements to date, consultation is an ongoing process that will continue throughout the strategic assessment and beyond (should the MASDP strategic proposal be approved).

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to learn more and provide feedback.

The project team are continuing to offer information sessions for those interested throughout 2024 and you can email contact.MASDP@nt.gov.au to stay informed about upcoming engagement opportunities.

Read more in the latest newsletter PDF (1.5 MB).

DIPL will continue to engage with stakeholders and the community throughout precinct planning. This includes providing regular project updates.

Formal feedback points include:

  • engagement to inform the draft Environmental Impact Statement
  • public exhibition of the draft Environmental Impact Statement
  • development of supplementary information
  • public exhibition of supplementary information.

To find out more, register your interest in Middle Arm precinct or sign up for updates, email contact.masdp@nt.gov.au.

Minmarama stockpile investigations

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is investigating the stockpiles located next to Minmarama Park on Dick Ward Drive.

Investigations started in December 2021 and are informing a detailed site investigation report and remediation action plan to propose:

  • how the site can be remediated and
  • potential uses for suitable material.

Investigations are conducted in a staged process and movement on site is intermittent.

Heavy vehicles and some noise can be expected during business hours while works take place on site.

An independent auditor has been engaged in the project to ensure the detailed site investigation is completed in accordance with all guidelines.

All investigations are expected to be completed in the first half of 2022.

Before the detailed site investigation, a preliminary site investigation conducted in mid-2018 found evidence of asbestos-containing material in some of the stockpiles.

Future works

The nature of future remediation options and land uses will be discussed by the relevant government agencies and stakeholders in due course.

Any remediation works will be completed in accordance with all applicable regulations and Australian Standards in liaison with the NT Environment Protection Authority (NTEPA) and NT Worksafe.


For more information on the investigation, contact the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics’ Program Manager Ken Gardner on 8999 6597 or ken.gardner@nt.gov.au.

Mount Johns flood immunity: Alice Springs

The Northern Territory Government allocated funds in the 2015/2016 budget to investigate ways to improve flood immunity in the Mount Johns Valley and Desert Springs areas of Alice Springs.

Currently, when the Todd River floods, residents and businesses in these areas are unable to access the Alice Springs CBD or Stuart Highway, as the Casino (Taffy Pick) causeway and Tuncks Road floodway are closed.

The only available access to the area is through a Power and Water service road that is opened to the public during critical events. This private service road is designed for access to PWC sites only and is not built to Australian Road safety standards.

The investigation identified five technical design options to improve flood immunity, these being:

  • a connector road from Stephens Road to Sadadeen Road – direct route
  • a connector road from Stephens Road to Sadadeen Road - eastern route
  • a connector road from Tuncks Road to Sadadeen Road - via the Power and Water access road
  • a high level bridge over the Todd River at Stephens Road
  • a high level bridge over the Todd River at Tuncks Road.

Details regarding each of these options are included in the attached map PDF (4.9 MB)

Community consultation outcomes

The Alice Springs community was invited in mid 2016 to provide feedback on the technical design options, before a final preferred option was identified.

Consultation closed on August 2016, and as part of the Mount Johns Flood Immunity Study, five options were reviewed in detail.

The preferred option for flood immunity from both the project team as part of their technical design work, and the community in their feedback, is that a connector road is constructed from Stephens Road to Sadadeen Road.

While no plans are currently in place to commence work on the connector road, the works will be considered within future funding programs.

Sadadeen Connector Road is listed in the Northern Territory Government’s 10 year infrastructure plan as a longer term priority.

To read about information on the options considered and the consultation results, read the detailed fact sheet PDF (271.8 KB).


For further information, email communications.DIPL@nt.gov.au

Myilly Point landscaping and playground

Latest updates

This project is now complete.

The Northern Territory Government has committed to creating cool active spaces at Myilly Point.

The new Myilly Point playground precinct will comprise a youth zone and an adventure play zone:

  • the youth zone will provide:
    • a basketball half court
    • skate area
    • tropical landscaping
    • services
  • the adventure play zone will provide:
    • shaded play equipment
    • active climbing areas
    • balance beams
    • seating.

This project will enable broader development of the site at a later time.

Asbestos remediation of the playground precinct site is underway and will be completed in early 2021.

Concept images

Myilly Point site plan

Myilly Point concept image 1Myilly concept image 2

Previous announcements

Read the:


Project Director: Lyle Hebb
Phone: 8946 5218
Email: lyle.hebb@nt.gov.au

Myilly Point road works

The Northern Territory Government, in collaboration with the City of Darwin, is installing street lights and upgrading the intersection of Lambell Terrace and Mitchell Street, Larrakeyah.

The new lighting will improve pedestrian safety and extend visibility at night for pedestrians and vehicles. The intersection upgrades will improve road safety for pedestrians and vehicles.

The works will be undertaken 7:30am – 5:00pm on weekdays and 8am – 2:30pm on Saturdays, commencing Wednesday 9 March. Works are expected to be completed by mid-April 2022.

For more information contact the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Project Manager, Lyle Hebb on 08 8946 5218 or email lyle.hebb@nt.gov.au

Myilly Point roadworks map

NT shared path network reviews

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) has completed a review of Northern Territory Government (NTG) owned shared paths across Greater Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.

The review is key to continuing strategic development of shared paths in line with stakeholder and community needs for the next 10 years.

The purpose of the review was to assess the existing NTG shared path networks and provide recommendations for:

  • improvements to existing shared paths
  • enhanced connectivity and network extensions between the existing network including between NTG roads and local council roads
  • long term planning, monitoring and review.

A number of key considerations guided the review including efficiency, safety and connectivity.

Stakeholder and community consultation

The review process included two stages of community and stakeholder consultation which were crucial to ensure the outcomes meet the needs of Territorians.

Stage 1

Stage 1 consultation was conducted from late 2020 to early 2021.

Stakeholders and the community:

  • provided information about their needs
  • made suggestions for improvements.

Stage 2

Stage 2 consultation closed on 16 May 2022.

The purpose of stage 2 was to seek feedback from stakeholders and the community on the proposed improvements to:

  • Alice Springs
  • Greater Darwin
  • Katherine
  • Tennant Creek.


A total of 118 improvements and upgrades have been identified across Greater Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.

Read about the review, the process in more detail and the recommendations in the 2023-2033 NT Shared Path Network Review Outcomes Summary PDF (8.2 MB).


For more information, call 08 8924 7118 or email transport.planning@nt.gov.au.

National Construction Code 2022 - Northern Territory variations

As part of the preparation for the adoption of the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022, the Northern Territory (NT) Government reviewed its variations to provisions and requirements.

As a result of this review, the following variations that will be removed or modified as part of NCC 2022:

  • NCC Volumes 1 and 2 Section B, Structure, NT 4 Masonry veneer - removal of variation
  • NCC Volumes 1 and 2 Section H, NT Additions - Special Use Buildings - premises to be used for activities involving skin penetration and mortuaries - removal of variation
  • NCC Volume 2 Energy Efficiency of residential buildings (Class 1 and Class 10a) - amended variation
  • NCC Volume 1 Energy Efficiency of commercial buildings (Class 3 and Class 5-9) - modified to adopt NCC 2019 provisions effective from 1 October 2023
  • NCC Volume 3 Part B2 Heated water services - removal of variation, and
  • NCC Volume 3 Part C Sanitary Drainage Systems - removal of variation.

Of particular relevance is the modification of the NT variation for residential energy efficiency, which currently references the Building Code of Australia (BCA) 2009 provisions.

Changes to the NT variation for residential energy efficiency has been made to simplify the NT variations for energy efficiency - BCA 2009 vol 2, by making use of the new NT variation easier to understand.

The additions are to NT part H6 energy efficiency of the NCC 2022 - vol 2 and they reference NT part 13.1 of the housing provisions. This variation comes into effect on 1 October 2023.

There will be no changes to NT section J energy efficiency for a class 2 and class 4 building as per the BCA 2009.

For further information regarding the adoption of section J for class 3 and 5 to 9 buildings in the NT, view building energy efficiency provisions.

The general provisions of the NCC 2022 will come into effect 1 May 2023.

To view the NCC 2022, go to NCC Online.


For more information contact Building Advisory Services by phone 08 8999 8985 or email bas@nt.gov.au.

Oenpelli Road – repairs and maintenance

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is conducting repairs and maintenance on Oenpelli Road in East Arnhem.

The works are in various sections between 50 km and 75 km from the Arnhem Highway intersection and start approximately at the Gunbalanya community turnoff. Works include gravel re-sheeting, and the reinstatement of table drains, offlet drains and drain blocks.

Once complete, the works will improve the drainage of stormwater, enhance road safety and ensure safe access for road users in the region.

Works are expected to start August 2024 and be completed by September 2024 with works undertaken from 6 am to 6 pm, Monday to Saturday.

Access to Oenpelli Road will be maintained at all times. All road users and nearby residents are advised to take caution during these works and comply with any traffic management in place.

To keep up to date with the latest information on road conditions in the Northern Territory, like and follow facebook.com/RoadReportNT or go to the Road report NT website.


Palmerston Regional Fire Response and Emergency Services complex

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is constructing a new Palmerston Regional Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services complex.

The complex is strategically located on Howard Springs Road, providing emergency services workers with new and modern facilities, while ensuring they can get to emergencies quicker.

The Palmerston Regional Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services complex will be home to station firefighters and the Palmerston NTES Volunteers Unit, which provides the residents of Palmerston and the rural area a modern facility that will meet the growing community’s needs for decades to come.

Featuring more room for larger facilities, the new complex will have increased capacity for:

  • larger crew numbers on extreme fire danger days
  • operation and meeting rooms
  • training area
  • breathing apparatus room
  • workshop and communications tower.

Progress images

Progress - angle 1Progress - angle 2

As of July 2021

Concept images

Concept - angle 1Concept - angle 2

Palmerston bus stop upgrades

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading bus stops across the Palmerston network to improve passenger experience and safety.

Bus stops being upgraded are in Bakewell, Driver, Durack, and Woodroffe.

Upgrades include:

  • new concrete bus stop platform and footpath
  • new shelter
  • bus stop seating
  • bus stop signage
  • line marking
  • grassing.

Works will commence in December 2023 and are expected to be completed in April 2024.

Construction will not interfere with bus timetables or routes and a temporary bus stop will be installed nearby during construction.

All upgrades follow current Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) requirements.

Please comply with all traffic management and safety measures in place.


Palmerston bus interchange map


Project Officer, Chris Grattan
Phone: 08 8999 4537
Email: Christopher.Grattan@nt.gov.au

Parap Preschool Redevelopment

NT Government is redeveloping the Parap Preschool, providing improved functionality for students, teachers and families.

$10 million has been committed for a new preschool in Parap to replace the current 50-year-old facility.

Redevelopment of the Parap Preschool will mean improved learning through higher quality education spaces for students.

Independent consultant, Jacobs undertook targeted consultation on behalf of DIPL on potential locations for the Parap Preschool redevelopment, to ensure the new preschool meets the needs of parents and students.

As a result of this consultation, Parap Preschool will remain at its current location at 59 Ross Smith Avenue.

Considerations were made in regards to the need to future-proof the new preschool design. This preferred location will provide a future opportunity to extend the footprint of facilities beyond the existing two learning space capacity if and when required.

Potential increased foot and road traffic on Parap Road, national and building code requirements for parking at early childhood services, legislated physical space requirements per child also contributed to the decision.

Current Parap Preschool students are being accommodated at the Parap Primary School site during construction of the new facility. The preschool is operating from existing classrooms that have been modified to support use by preschool students. These classrooms will revert to use by the school once the new preschool is operational.

Redevelopment of the preschool is expected to be completed in 2025.

Upcoming milestones:

Demolition of the existing site anticipated to commence 14 May 2024 between 7am and 5pm for approximately 6 weeks. Motorists pedestrians are asked to adhere to traffic management in place (where applicable).

The building to be demolished is known to contain asbestos which will be safely removed from site prior to works commencing, in line with national regulations.

Paru Road upgrades - Melville Island

The Northern Territory Government is upgrading and sealing approximately 9km of Paru Road on Melville Island, including the barge access road.

The works also include upgrading the Paru Creek crossing to a bridge, including re-aligning the road at this location to remove the bend.

The project will provide all-weather access between the communities, businesses, facilities and the ferry service on Bathurst and Melville Islands.

Works are expected to commence in April 2023 and be completed by end-2024.

Paru Road will remain accessible for the duration of the works, with speed restrictions, lane closures and detours in place.

Road users and motorists are asked to adhere to all traffic management in the area.

Please see below map of the works area.


Concept map of the Paru Road upgrades


For more information on this project, contact

Josefa Tchong
Project Manager
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Phone: 08 8999 4512

Pedestrian Crossing Upgrades - Stuart Highway

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is undertaking works to upgrade existing pedestrian crossings at two locations, Stuart Highway/McMillans Road intersection and Stuart Highway/Vanderlin Drive intersection.

The new pedestrian crossing will improve road safety for all road users, in particular pedestrians and cyclists, by incorporating signalised pedestrian infrastructure.

The scope of works include:

  • minor concrete works
  • installation of road signs, hold rails and tactiles
  • pavement marking
  • installation of pedestrian signal infrastructure
  • street lighting upgrades at Stuart Highway / McMillans Road intersection.

map 1map 2

Works will commence on Monday 13 May at the Stuart Highway / McMillans Road intersection and are expected to take approximately 4 weeks to complete.

Works at the Stuart Highway/Vanderlin Drive will commence following this period and are expected to be completed by end of July 2024.

Works will be undertaken between the hours of 9am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday, including weekends from 7am to 5pm. To reduce traffic disruption, some works will be carried out between 8pm and 5am, Sunday to Thursday during the same period.

Motorists, pedestrians and cyclists are advised to take caution during these works and adhere to the traffic management in place. Temporary lane closures and speed restrictions will apply.

Road users, residents and business owners can like and follow RoadReportNT on Facebook for up to date information as works progress.


For more information, email communications.dipl@nt.gov.au.

Pinelands road safety upgrades

Latest update

The final design for the staged road upgrades at Pinelands is now available. See the final design PDF (1.2 MB).

The Pinelands and Holtze precincts are busy industrial areas along the Stuart Highway, southeast of Darwin where businesses are serviced daily by heavy vehicles and road trains.

In 2016, the department commenced a planning study to improve safety and access into Pinelands and Holtze.

The objectives of the planning project are to:

  • improve road safety for heavy vehicles and all road users
  • provide more efficient and functional access to Pinelands and Holtze for all vehicles
  • address existing road safety concerns about access in and out of Pinelands and Holtze
  • upgrade infrastructure to accommodate future growth in the area
  • maintain an acceptable level of service for future traffic increases on arterial connecting roads
  • respond to the area's changing economic profile and future land use planning.

The final concept has been finalised based on three stages of community consultation.

The project will now progress to detailed design.

Construction staging will be decided once detailed design is complete. During construction, impact to local businesses will be minimised.

The final design includes the following:

  • a new link connecting Olive Place to Mander Road in Holtze
  • two new traffic signals to be installed at:
    • McKinnon Road (south) / Olive Place
    • McKinnon Road (north) / Mander Road intersections with the Stuart Highway
  • a new third lane on the Stuart Highway (outbound) to improve green time to make a safe right turn at Deviney Road
  • no major changes to inbound Stuart Highway service road (except improved line marking and road signs)
  • a new off-road shared path along the outbound Stuart Highway within Holtze
  • a new free-flow exit/entry into Pinelands from the Tiger Brennan Drive outbound lane.


Transport Planning
Phone: 08 8924 7118
Email: transport.planning@nt.gov.au

Planning infrastructure for future integrated ferry services study

The Northern Territory Government is investigating potential sites and planning infrastructure to expand Darwin’s ferry services over the next 50 years.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics has engaged maritime infrastructure specialists Mott MacDonald to analyse a number of potential sites for future ferry terminals.

Locations being considered are featured on the map below.

ferry services study map

An important feature of the long-term planning study will be to consider how potential ferry site locations integrate with other transport options such as bus routes, cycle and pedestrian paths as well as existing and future road networks.

The Darwin Regional Land Use Plan estimates:

  • 130 000 people will be living in the greater Darwin region in the short term
  • 250 000 people in the next 40 to 50 years.

The analysis will look at trigger points for future demand for ferry transport over a 50-year period.

The study will also consider water depth, land tenure, access and prevailing weather conditions, environmental sensitivities as well as servicing and infrastructure requirements for future long-term ferry facilities such as pontoons, jetties, dredging, ferry terminal and parking.

Potential tourism opportunities and community benefits for a broad range of harbour users will also be considered.

Previous announcement

Read the news item - Preferred sites announced for long term future ferry planning.


Email: ferryplanning@nt.gov.au
Phone: 08 8981 6445

Planning reform

Latest update

Planning reform phase 2 stage 1 amendments came into effect on 17 February 2023.

Planning reform is delivering a best practice land use planning system for the Northern Territory (NT) to deliver better planning outcomes, restore community confidence, and encourage new investment.

Read more about our planning system on the NT Government website.

Read below to find out about the planning reform process.

Progressing planning reform

Planning system reform involves:

  • changes to planning laws and regulations
  • amendments to the NT Planning Scheme
  • development of new information resources
  • upgrades to online systems
  • changes to administrative processes.

To achieve the many changes needed, the reform is split into two phases.

Phase two

Changes associated with phase two stage one came into effect on 17 February 2023.

Phase two stage one  sought to improve processes and outcomes relating to the design of buildings and places. This was achieved through changes in the planning scheme.

The planning scheme has been enhanced by:

  • incorporating local design responses from area plans into location specific development requirements, to more succinctly inform design and decision making about developments in strategic locations
  • establishing better design guidance for apartment, mixed used and commercial buildings to ensure they respond to the local context
  • increasing the number of low-risk uses that can be interchanged in commercial zones without the need for a development application
  • moving some uses to permitted or simpler assessment categories.

View the NT Planning Scheme 2020

Phase one

Phase one was implemented in 2020.

This included:


The following are the consultations that have occurred during both phases of the reform.

Phase two

Initial statutory exhibition took place 21 January – 4 March 2022.

Statutory re-exhibition took place 2 – 30 September 2022.

In addition to the statutory exhibition requirements, the release of the proposed amendments was supported by additional online content, briefings and presentations to explain the proposed changes.

Submissions received during both exhibition periods were used to refine the changes and inform the final decision by the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics. Read the amendment decision on the NT Government website (Amendment No. 67).

Consultation material:

Re-exhibition Explanatory Document PDF (5.4 MB) .

This provides detail on the alterations that were made to the original Integrated Schedule of Amendments that was exhibited in the initial exhibition period.

The following documents supported both exhibition period

Archived online consultation:

Have your say - Planning reform

Phase One

13 March - 24 April 2020

Consultation on the draft Planning Amendment Regulations 2020 coincided with the exhibition of the draft NT Planning Scheme 2020.

Briefings and workshops covered both topics.

Feedback from the consultation was used to refine the proposed changes to the Planning Regulations 2000, which was considered by the Executive Council.

Consultation materials:

Archived online consultation:

6 March - 24 April 2020

An extended formal exhibition period was provided for the proposed planning scheme amendment to introduce the NT Planning Scheme 2020.

In addition to the statutory exhibition requirements, the release of the draft NT Planning Scheme 2020 was supported by additional online content, briefings and workshops to explain the proposed changes.

Submissions received during the exhibition period were used to refine the new planning scheme and inform the final decision by the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics. Read the amendment decision on the NT Government website.

Consultation materials:

Archived online consultation:

On 13 February 2020, the Planning Amendment Bill 2020 (the Bill) was introduced to the Legislative Assembly, beginning the process to amend the Planning Act 1999.

The Bill was referred to the Legislation Scrutiny Committee for consideration.

The Legislation Scrutiny Committee process included:

  • a period for public submissions ending 11 March 2020
  • a report tabled by the Scrutiny Committee on the inquiry into the Bill on 5 May 2020.

For more information about the Legislation Scrutiny Committee inquiry, go to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory website.

7 October - 29 November 2019

Stage 3 of consultation on Planning Reform sought feedback on changes to the Planning Act 1999.

A consultation draft of a Bill to amend the Act was released providing details of the proposed changes.

A suite of supporting documents was also available to provide context about how the changes to the Act will work with other changes to the planning system to implement planning reform.

Consultation documents:

Archived online consultation:

Consultation outcomes:

26 July - 7 September 2018

Consultation on the Phase 1 Priority Reforms aimed to get in-depth feedback on the proposed reforms.

This consultation targeted frequent users of the planning system and those who participated in the reform process in 2017. Consultation was conducted by Elton Consulting and included:

  • a telephone number for queries
  • feature on the ‘Have Your Say’ website providing information and seeking feedback
  • focus group sessions held in Darwin, Alice Springs and Katherine for stakeholders including:
    • community members
    • environmental groups
    • planning and legal professionals
    • industry associations
    • local government (LGANT, greater Darwin Councils, Regional Councils and Remote Councils in and around Katherine and Alice Springs)
    • Northern Territory Planning Commission

Consultation documents:

Archived online consultation:

Consultation outcomes:

15 October - 8 December 2017

The initial consultation included:

  • an online survey
  • inviting written submissions
  • two industry workshops, held in Alice Springs and Darwin
  • one focus group with respondents to the telephone survey
  • two Council workshops involving members from most local government areas
  • pop-up community consultation sessions at local shopping centres and malls.

Over 1,000 people from Greater Darwin, Alice Springs, and Katherine were directly involved in the consultation, with additional residents reading the documents on the website.

Consultation documents:

Archived online consultation:

  • Have Your Say – Planning System Reform: Review, Reframe, Renew

Consultation outcomes:


Planning Reform
Lands Planning
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 8999 8963

Point Stuart Access Road upgrades

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics has undertaken works to upgrade the Point Stuart Access Road.

This project is funded under the $50 million RecFishing Futures Program as part of the Northern Territory Government’s commitment to improving recreational fishing infrastructure in the Territory.

The works included upgrading sections of approximately 12 kilometres of track to a graded road with culverts in low lying areas to improve access.

The upgrade enhances access for people towing boats in order to access fishing in nearby creeks and reefs in the Chambers and Finke Bays.

Works commenced in October 2021 and were completed in November 2022.

Point Stuart Access Road 2022


For further information, please contact Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Program Director, Mark Taylor on 08 8946 5137 or email Mark.Taylor@nt.gov.au.

Port Keats Road and Saddle Rail Creek bridge upgrades

The Australian Government and Northern Territory Government are upgrading 11.7 kilometres of Port Keats Road at the Saddle Rail Creek to improve:

  • flood immunity
  • safety for road users.

The works will include:

  • construction of a new 45 metre (3 x 15 metre spans) two-lane bridge over Saddle Rail Creek
  • upgrade of 11.7 kilometres of road to a two-lane sealed standard including raised embankments, four flood ways, and five culvert crossings.

Works commenced mid-2021 and are expected to be completed by November 2021.

Saddle Rail Creek bridge works


Project Manager: Jay Brewster-O'brien
Email: jay.brewster-o’brien@nt.gov.au

Residential Development in Katherine East

Addressing Katherine’s rental housing shortage

Housing availability has become an increasingly prominent issue in Katherine, with particularly low rental vacancy rates compared to the rest of the Northern Territory. High levels of demand driven by major construction works are compounding the lack of quality housing options in Katherine, creating difficulties for people to secure quality, affordable housing.

Proposed NT Planning Scheme 2020 Amendment

The Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics sought comments on a new planning overlay for Katherine East to facilitate additional dwellings on land in Zone LR (Low Density Residential). This type of development was previously prohibited.

To be eligible the land must:

  • have a minimum lot size of 800m2, in order to comply with a maximum density of 1 dwelling per 400m2;
  • not be affected by flooding;
  • have been titled before 6 November 2015;
  • not already include a dwelling-independent; and
  • obtain approval from the relevant agency responsible for power, water supply, sewerage, stormwater drainage and road access, to confirm that existing infrastructure has capacity to accommodate the additional load.

All eligible land is located in the Katherine East locality. The approved overlay supports population growth in the flood-free Katherine East locality, in line with recommendations of the 2016 Katherine Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee Report and the NT Government’s commitment to developing the Katherine East Neighbourhood Centre. This is also consistent with the strategic planning framework for Katherine, which advocates for the construction of new residential development outside of the 1% AEP (Annual Exceedance Probability) floodway and flood extent.

The overlay only applies to land titled before 6 November 2015, in order to exclude lots within the new master planned residential estate in the eastern part of Katherine East, as this estate has been designed for single dwelling development.

Development in accordance with the new overlay could include the addition of a second dwelling, or the construction of a new duplex or triplex, on an eligible lot. New development will need to comply with other relevant development requirements for a dwelling-group, including building setbacks, provision of private open space, and car parking.

New development will need to comply with the relevant requirements in Part 5 of the NTPS 2020 as set out in the assessment table in Part 4 for Zone LMR (Low-Medium Density Residential). This includes that up to two (2) dwellings group will be permitted if fully compliant, and three (3) or more will require consent at the Merit Assessable level.

For further information visit Have Your Say or Planning Notices Online.

Richardson Park community space

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, together with the Department of Education and Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities, is delivering improvements to Richardson Park to reactivate the community space.

The improvements will enhance and activate the area for the community and Ludmilla Primary School whilst upgrading the existing field to make it suitable for training.

Project stages

The project is being delivered in stages, with demolition of the derelict and non-compliant buildings completed in 2021.

The following elements of the revitalisation were completed in early 2024:

  • landscaping including grassed areas, trees and activity nodes
  • reconstruction of the playing field
  • earthworks and stormwater drainage
  • services including electrical, water, sewer, telecommunications and CCTV cameras
  • a serviced site for the new ablution block and change room facilities
  • vehicle access to Ludmilla School via Richardson Drive.

Richardson Park Concept

The final package of works includes the building of:

  • ablution blocks
  • change rooms
  • storage areas
  • associated undercover area.

Works are anticipated to commence in July 2024 with completion expected late 2024.

Concept imageConcept

History of the site

Richardson Park has a long history associated with Rugby League. The project acknowledges this history in the concept designs and honours memorials of significance at the site.

The memorial for Warren “Shadow” Mount is being preserved during the works and will be reinstated when works are complete.


Richardson Park Community Space

Previous notices

Read the:


For more information, email communications.dipl@nt.gov.au.

Road safety program

The Northern Territory is benefiting from upgrades to road infrastructure to improve road safety as a part of the Australian Government’s $3 billion National Road Safety Program.

As a part of the program, the Australian Government has committed $144 million to the Northern Territory.

The program delivers effective road safety treatments and national best practice, on urban and regional roads providing greater safety benefits for all road users including pedestrians and cyclists.

Some of the common road safety treatments being delivered as part of the program include shoulder widening, truck bays, culvert extensions, variable message signage, intersection upgrades, roadway lighting, rest areas and shared paths.


For more information please email Communications.DIPL@nt.gov.au

Call 08 8924 7420

Or visit Road Safety Program (infrastructure.gov.au)

Royal Darwin Hospital Landscape Master Plan

The Northern Territory Government is developing the Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) Landscape Master Plan as part of a commitment to enhancing the environment and the wellbeing of patients and staff.

A design consultancy has been awarded to develop the Master Plan in consultation with stakeholder groups to identify and guide the future development of green zones at RDH and:

  • enhance the local landscape and amenity using a variety of appropriate plant, tree and shrub species
  • encourage active mobility of patients, staff and visitors, and incorporate wellness, healing, breakout areas and cooling outcomes for green zones
  • preserve biodiversity and strengthen First Nations cultural safety.

Due to a warming climate, the Northern Territory will continue to get hotter into the future. The CSIRO Darwin Living Lab has generated thermal images from around the hospital precinct which shows temperatures in hotspots, like car parks exceeding 60°C.

Areas already planted are showing a reduction in surface temperature by up to 29°C.

The Master Plan is expected to be completed by September 2024.


A public survey was conducted from 3 June to 1 July 2024 with results now closed for evaluation and review.

Once the master plan has been developed it will made available here.


To find out more about the Royal Darwin Hospital Landscape Master Plan, contact DIPL Project Manager Architecture, Catherine Piergrosse, on phone 08 8946 5153 or email catherine.piergrosse@nt.gov.au.

Rum Jungle intersections

The Department of Logistics and Infrastructure is upgrading the following intersections:

  • Rum Jungle Road / Litchfield Park Road Intersection
  • Litchfield Park Road / Poett Road Intersection.

The upgrade will involve widening and rehabilitating the existing roads to accommodate dedicated left turn lanes onto Litchfield Park Road, and Poett Road at the respective intersections.

Access along Rum Jungle Road, Litchfield Park Road and Poett Road will be maintained at all times, however road users are advised to take caution during these works and comply with any traffic management in place.

The upgrade will enhance safety and improve the flow of traffic.

Works will commence in late September 2024 and are expected to be complete by January 2025, weather permitting.


Litchfield Park Road map for area of work


Project Manager: Tim Burgess
Phone: 8999 4609
Email: tim.burgess@nt.gov.au

Safety Upgrades at Roger Vale Drive and the Stuart Highway, Alice Springs

The Northern Territory Government is undertaking a  planning study for safety upgrades around the Roger Vale Drive and Stuart Highway intersection, south of Alice Springs.

This busy stretch of the Stuart Highway provides access into the Alice Springs Airport, Santa Teresa, Titjikala and other communities, the nearby motorsports complex and the popular Welcome to Alice Springs tourist feature.

The existing intersection is a high speed unsignalised intersection where the major road (Stuart Highway) has to yield to the minor road’s traffic (Roger Vale Drive).

Long queues and risky turning movements at peak times and during major events cause ongoing safety issues that need to be resolved to meet future demands.

The proposed upgrade will realign this intersection to eliminate this traffic conflict. It will support planned future development in the area, particularly commercial development plans as part of the Alice Springs Airport 2020 Master Plan and future land use plans for Alice Springs south.

A design contract has been awarded to local engineers at SMEC Australia who are considering how to improve traffic flow and allow for safer turns in this area. The objectives of the study are to:

  • redesign the intersection to allow safer road train access from all directions
  • improve capacity and traffic flow into the Alice Springs Airport, Santa Teresa and beyond
  • improve safety for all road users including cyclists
  • provide provisions for a shared path link to the airport
  • provide safer traffic management conditions for major motorsports events, including the Finke Desert Race, Red Centre Nats and drag racing events
  • provide safer access to the Welcome to Alice Springs tourist feature
  • consider street lighting, drainage and other road design features.

A draft concept has been developed for the intersection upgrade.

You can read more about the project including helpful questions and answers in the project fact sheet PDF (2.5 MB).

Upgrades to this intersection are in the planning phase and there is currently no funding or timeframe for construction.

Have Your Say

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is seeking community and stakeholder feedback on the draft concept for the intersection upgrade. Your ideas, suggestions and comments will help inform progression of the design.

Consultation is open from 7 June to 5 July 2024.

Following consultation, a revised concept will be presented.

Tell us what you think

Phone: 08 8924 7118

Email: transport.planning@nt.gov.au

Safety upgrades at Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and Diarama Close

The Northern Territory Government has released the final design to realign Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and Diarama Close into one signalised 4-way intersection.

Larapinta Drive is a busy road. In peak hours, the intersections of Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and nearby Diarama Close reach capacity, creating congestion, traffic delays and safety concerns for all road users including pedestrians.

There are significant traffic hazards at these intersections due to vehicle and pedestrian traffic around the Araluen Christian College and the Diarama Village shopping complex.

The upgrade will improve:

  • safety for road users including pedestrians, cyclists and limited mobility users
  • capacity and traffic flow through the intersection area.

Features of the final design

Features of the final design include:

  • realigning Blain Street and Diarama Close into one new signalised crossed intersection on Larapinta Drive
  • safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists at the new signalised crossed intersection
  • removal of the existing old signalised pedestrian crossing on Larapinta Drive
  • new left turn slip lane from Blain Street into Larapinta Drive and refuge island
  • new Blain Street shared path connecting with the existing shared path
  • rearrangement of traffic islands and medians
  • landscaping regeneration.

Concept design of Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and Diarama Close


Consultation on the concept design closed on 22 August 2022 and feedback was overwhelmingly supportive.


This project is now progressing to detailed design.

Construction will commence once detailed design is complete and funding is confirmed.

For more information read the fact sheet PDF (1.4 MB) released during 2022 consultation.


For more information, email communications.dipl@nt.gov.au or call 08 8924 7118.

Shiers Street Housing Redevelopment

The Northern Territory Government (NTG) is redeveloping the public housing complex on Shiers Street in The Narrows in partnership with the community housing sector.

The NTG has invested $14 million to start the process of transforming this legacy site into a modern, fit for purpose precinct with a mix of social and affordable housing.

The new housing will be designed to promote liveability in tropical climatic conditions, improve the look and features of the neighbourhood and make living in the area more enjoyable for tenants and residents.


A tender has been awarded to NTEX to undertake demolition of the existing buildings and associated infrastructure and conduct site remediation.

The contractor has taken possession of site on 22 August 2023 with works expected to take up to 40 weeks.

Works will talk place Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm. Some weekend work may be required.

The contractor will take all practicable measures to reduce impacts to nearby residents such as noise and dust.

There will be no changes to traffic or detours in place.

Demolition and environmental requirements will include the removal of trees on site. The project team will consult with neighbouring houses to understand preferences for replanting or screening to make the area look nice for locals when the redevelopment is complete.


Construction of the new housing is not part of the current phase of works.

It is proposed that Shiers Street will be redeveloped through a two-staged process. The second stage of the process will include identifying a Community Housing Provider (CHP), or consortium who will undertake construction and manage the housing on site.

Further background

The Shiers Street housing was built in the 1970s and is no longer fit for purpose. Refurbishing existing buildings at the site does not represent a value for money outcome for government.

Residents at Shiers Street have been progressively transferred to alternative public housing accommodation since 2021 to prepare for the site’s redevelopment.

Redeveloping Shiers Street in partnership with the community housing sector was identified as a commitment under the Northern Territory Community Housing Growth Strategy 2022-32 launched in April 2022. Read more about the community housing  growth strategy on the Territory Families, Housing and Community website.

The project will build upon the ongoing transition of management of social and affordable housing from the Northern Territory Government to registered Community Housing Providers. This aligns the Territory with best practice housing approaches from other Australian and international jurisdictions.

The benefits of social and affordable housing managed by Community Housing Providers includes:

  • access to revenue not available to the Northern Territory Government, such as Commonwealth Rent Assistance and low cost finance
  • improved tenancy and asset management – required by rigorous key performance indicators under the National Regulatory Scheme for Community Housing
  • more tailored supports for people with complex needs or experiencing major life events
  • leveraging options which allow providers to grow their portfolios while increasing the number of available, social and affordable dwellings.


Hotline for enquiries: 1800 517 341

Signalising left turns into Tiger Brennan Drive from Benison, Tivendale and Wishart Roads

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics will be undertaking works to signalise the left turns into Tiger Brennan Drive from Benison, Tivendale and Wishart Roads.

The project is part of the COVID Stimulus Program to address road safety issues.


Tiger Brennan Drive - Benison Map

Tiger Brennan Drive - Wishart and Tivendale Map

Previous announcements

Read the latest fact sheets:


Project Manager: Josefa Tchong
Phone: 08 8999 4512
Email: josefa.tchong@nt.gov.au

Social Housing Accelerator Payment

The Australian Government has committed $50 million to deliver up to 100 new social and accessible homes across the Territory.

The Northern Territory Government is fast tracking the construction of the first 8 homes in the Darwin region.

The homes will be constructed on vacant lots in Rapid Creek, Tiwi and Wanguri. A one bedroom home and a two bedroom home will be constructed on each lot.

Homes will be built to adaptable standards, meaning they are accessible and more people with mobility issues and seniors will be able to stay in the same home as they age.

Works are anticipated to start in May 2024 and be finished in late 2024.


To find our more information, contact:

Housing Program Office

Stuart Highway Road Safety Improvements– Stuart Park

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is preparing to undertake detailed design for road safety improvements on the Stuart Highway, from Armidale Street to the Westralia Street intersections in Stuart Park.

The project will enhance road safety for all road users and improve traffic flow at intersections by separating the turning traffic from the through traffic, and pedestrians and cyclists from vehicles.

Preliminary concept designs includes:

  • dedicated left-turn lanes for Armidale Street, Eden Street, Charles Street, and Westralia Street from the Stuart Highway
  • full protection for pedestrians and cyclists at the traffic signals of the Stuart Highway/ Westralia Street intersection
  • line marking and signage for improved delineation and channelisation.

Draft concept design maps

StuartHwy Stuart Park map 1StuartHwy Stuart Park map 2StuartHwy Stuart Park map 3StuartHwy Stuart Park map 4StuartHwy Stuart Park map 5

You can download the full view of the concept designs for the Stuart Highway Road Safety Improvements PDF (812.5 KB).


The department has commenced consultation on the initial concept designs with businesses and key stakeholders.

This consultation will inform the final scope of the detailed design project.

This project is in its early design planning stage and any construction to complete the project will be subject to availability of funding once the detailed design is completed.


Project Manager: Aftab Abro

Phone: 8924 7121
Email: aftab.abro@nt,gov.au

Stuart Highway and Cox Peninsula Road intersection upgrade

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading the Stuart Highway near Cox Peninsula Road to enhance safety for road users.

The upgrades will improve merging facilities and enable traffic separation through the construction of a wide centreline treatment with a road safety barrier.

The project also includes the installation of guardrails and culvert extensions.

Works are expected to be complete in June 2022.

Map of the Stuart Highway and Cox Peninsula Road intersection with area of works highlighted


Email: cielo.alvaran@nt.gov.au
Phone: 08 8999 46734

Stuart Highway duplication at Katherine East

The Northern Territory Government is duplicating the Stuart Highway at Katherine East.

The 1.3 kilometre duplication will begin 200 metres before Cyprus Street and extend 300 metres after Uralla Road, connecting to the existing duplication from the Katherine CBD southbound.

The duplication will enhance safety for road users, increase flood immunity and support the creation of development parcels as part of the Supporting Growth in Katherine East project.

As part of the duplication a new link road intersection between Cyprus Street and Uralla Road will be constructed, Uralla Road intersection realigned and safety upgrades applied to the Cyprus Street intersection.

To accommodate the construction of these new lanes, the existing roadside Tourist Information Bay will be relocated 700 metres east.

Construction on the duplication is expected to be completed by late 2022.


Katherine East Release Plan

Stuart Highway median upgrades

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading the median at three locations on the Stuart Highway in Stuart Park, near Geranium Street, Hassan Place and Queen Street.

The project will enhance road safety by creating clear channels for traffic flowing in both directions, reducing driver confusion.

Works are expected to commence in January 2024 and are anticipated to be completed in March 2024, weather permitting.

To limit disruptions to road users and surrounding businesses, works will be carried out from:

  • Monday to Thursday 8pm-6am
  • Saturday 7am-5pm
  • Sunday and Public Holidays 9am-5pm

Car parking to the side and front of businesses on the Stuart Highway in the vicinity of Geranium Street, Hassan Place and Queen Street will not be impacted.

Traffic management and detours will be in place, with periods of partial closures. Road users are asked to take care and comply with all traffic management and signage in the area.

For more information about this project, please contact Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Project Manager Feroz M Ibrahim on phone 08 8999 4467 or email Ferozkhan.mohamedibrahim@nt.gov.au


Median break upgrades Stuart Park

Stuart Park to Woolner shared path and ramp

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) has constructed a new shared path and ramp between Flinders Drive and Tiger Brennan Drive.

The new shared path and ramp provides a safe pedestrian and bike rider friendly access between Flinders Drive and Tiger Brennan Drive’s shared path.

The project improves connectivity between Tiger Brennan Drive path network and Stuart Park’s path network.

Works completed.

Map showing the new shared path in Stuart Park to Woolner


For more information:

Supporting Growth in Katherine East

The Northern Territory (NT) and Australian governments are supporting regional growth and enabling future development in Katherine East.

The Supporting Growth in Katherine East project will provide serviced superlot parcels of flood-free land for ongoing residential, commercial and community purposes.

The future development of these superlot parcels will be supported by the construction of key new enabling streets, development headworks and upgrades to existing roads.

It is a co-funded initiative by the NT and Australian governments under the:

  • Road Safety Program and
  • Regional Growth Fund.

This project is in line with NT Planning Commission's recommendations about the Katherine Land Use Plan 2014. To find out more about the Katherine Land Use Plan 2014, go to the NT Planning Commission website.

Get the Supporting Growth in Katherine East fact sheet PDF (1.1 MB).

Major components

The work will be undertaken in two major components.

Stuart Highway duplication

This is approximately 1.3km of highway duplication from the Katherine CBD. It includes:

  • safety upgrades at multiple intersections and
  • major stormwater drain upgrades.

Serviced superlot subdivision

This is a staged project to create and service 6 superlot subdivision parcels, including streets and public areas.

It will create the potential future provision of around 300 residential lots in Katherine East after completion.

These works will also enable potential future development of a neighbourhood centre, which can include a mix of retail, commercial and residential land uses.

Major works

Major work that will be undertaken in the area will include:

  • construction of key new enabling streets to provide new frontage for and access to the 6 development parcels
  • headworks to support future development and growth in the Katherine East region, and
  • stormwater drain upgrades to address localised and highway flooding.


The project is expected to have the following timeframe:

  • Commenced: Under the Road Safety Program, the Stuart Highway duplication will be the first work undertaken to Support Growth in Katherine East.
  • Upcoming: The first of the residential development, under the Regional Growth Fund is slated to commence in mid to late 2022.
  • The anticipated completion of works is by 2023.
  • Serviced residential parcels from the 6 superlots to be released through an agreed program to be determined, after the project is complete.

Benefits of project

The benefits of the project are to:

  • enable future development of flood-free community and residential development and provision for potential capped commercial development
  • support economic and social activity within the area
  • create jobs, drive economic growth and build stronger regional communities
  • support both existing and future residents in Katherine East, and
  • complement the existing commercial and residential areas within Katherine.

Project background

The development of residential, commercial, retail and public open space was a key recommendation of the 2016 Katherine Flood Mitigation Advisory Committee Report.

It was also supported by the Katherine Town Centre's retail and commercial analysis report in 2015. You can read more about the report on the Katherine Land Use Plan 2014 page on the NT Planning Commission website.

It will see serviced land outside of the flood zone, considered flood immune, and developed to meet the needs of current residents of Katherine and its surrounds, and future population growth.

The project will create opportunities to provide a mix of housing, community purpose, commercial and retail uses on superlot parcels of serviced land outside of a Q100 flood zone. The delivery of these future uses will be enabled through the provision of key streets, public open space and upfront servicing headworks.

The delivery of the land for its various uses will be enabled through the provision of key streets, public open space and upfront servicing headworks. Enabling the establishment of a ‘Neighbourhood Centre’ outside the flood zone will service local shopping needs in Katherine East, help to provide security of supply chains during flood events and will meet the existing undersupply in retail floor space.

The Katherine flood mitigation program includes structural mitigation to provide flood resilience for the town. It also recommended planning measures to provide commercial land outside of the flood zone within Katherine East.


The Katherine East development parcels will be located within Lot 3334, Katherine and NT Portion 7345.

Component 1 and 2 locations


For more information, email communications.dipl@nt.gov.au

Tanami Road upgrades

The Northern Territory Government is upgrading and sealing 150 km of the Tanami Road in Central Australia, a jointly funded project between the Australian and Northern Territory governments.

The first package of works (portion 1) is 60 km in length commencing from Yuendumu and finishing 30 km east of Floodout Creek.

Portion 1 of these works commenced in July 2022 and was completed in November 2023.

The second package of works (portion 2) is 90 km in length commencing 30 km east of Floodout Creek and finishing 30 km east of Refrigerator Bore.

Portion 2 of these works commenced in April 2023 and will be completed by mid-2025.

These works will improve access to remote communities and improve road safety and flood immunity in the region. The upgrades will improve access for heavy vehicle traffic such as freight operators using the Tanami Road.

These upgrades are part of the Roads of Strategic Importance (ROSI) program, which will continue to upgrade priority sections of the corridor to improve connectivity, flood immunity, safety and access as well as economic development for the region.

Please see over for a map of the works area.

For more information on this project, please contact Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Project Manager, Jarrod Tregenza on 08 8951 5094 or via email at jarrod.tregenza@nt.gov.au

Tanami Road upgrades map

Tennant Creek entry statements

The Northern Territory Government is delivering iconic tourism entry statements in Tennant Creek. The entry statements will be located on the southern and northern Stuart Highway approach to the town.

Each entry statement will feature a Nyinkka sculpture, otherwise known as a spikey-tailed goanna, as the centrepiece.

Local Indigenous enterprise, Barkly Regional Arts was awarded the tender to construct the sculptures.

The entry statements will:

  • help foster a sense of pride in the community
  • promote Tennant Creek’s cultural significance and heritage
  • provide visitors a welcoming sense of arrival to the town.


In preparation for the installation of the sculptures, civil works were delivered in 2019. This work includes the construction of:

  • slip lanes
  • parking bays
  • pedestrian friendly pathways.

Works include a backdrop/signage.

Consultation with the local cultural representatives is ongoing for the following:

  • the layout and positioning of the sculptures
  • the design of complimentary landscaping.


Project Manager: Damien Burton
Email: damien.burton@nt.gov.au

Tennant Creek to Darwin infrastructure corridor

The Northern Territory (NT) Government is investigating an infrastructure corridor from Tennant Creek to Darwin.

The proposed corridor would provide for future services such as multiple high pressure pipelines and infrastructure to carry a range of products including gas, oil, hydrogen energy, water, digital communications and electricity.

Project stages

The project is currently in Stage 2.

Pipeline & infrastructure corridor flowchart as described below

Each stage is described below:

  • Step/stage 1 - Prefeasibility study.
    Land tenure type assessment.
  • Step/stage 2 - Further investigations of the preliminary alignment to confirm constructability.
    Targeted discussions with key stakeholders including directly affected land owners and Native Title holders, AAPA, Land Councils.
  • Step/stage 3 - Options review and identification of preferred alignment.
    Community engagement including directly and indirectly affected land owners, nearby businesses and pastoralists, peak bodies and industry representatives, Aboriginal Land Councils and AAPA.
  • Hold point: Government consideration of options.
  • The following steps 4 - 7 are conditional on outcomes of previous steps:
    • Step/stage 4 - Securing the corridor for future infrastructure construction.
      Liaison and negotiation with directly affected landowners.
    • Step/stage 5 - Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for each pipeline/infrastructure.
      Targeted engagement with key stakeholders.
    • Step/stage 6 - Approvals for pipeline/infrastructure construction (e.g. Energy Pipelines Act).
      In accordance with legislative requirements.
    • Step/stage 7 - Construction of the pipeline/ infrastructure.
      Community engagement including directly and indirectly affected landowners, nearby
      businesses and pastoralists, peak bodies and industry representatives, Aboriginal Land Councils and AAPA.


As part of the planning process, the department is consulting with landowners, occupiers and Traditional Owners about the proposed infrastructure corridor.

The project team will notify landowners if their property is on the preliminary corridor alignment.

The final preferred corridor is subject to engagement with all relevant landowners and key stakeholders and further detailed investigations, including a sacred site survey.

The corridor route

A prefeasibility study undertaken by CNC Project Management has identified a preliminary corridor alignment which will be further refined and developed during consultation with stakeholders and further detailed investigations, including a sacred site survey.

Consolidating infrastructure services into one infrastructure corridor will minimise potential impacts on the land and landowners that could occur through development of multiple separate infrastructure corridors.

The prefeasibility study by CNC included analysing engineering, social, environmental and infrastructure factors including ground conditions, rivers, habitat, vegetation, land use, cultural heritage, protected sacred sites, cost and current infrastructure such as buildings and roads.

Delivery planning

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is undertaking work to develop a business model to deliver and manage the Tennant Creek to Darwin Infrastructure Corridor.

A business model analysis, led by consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and PwC’s Indigenous Consulting (PIC), will identify a preferred model that is consistent with project’s vision to provide a consolidated, multi-user infrastructure corridor from Tennant Creek to Darwin.

The work by PwC and PIC will look at how the corridor could potentially be owned and operated.


There is no timeframe for when the infrastructure corridor will be built as there is a lot more work to do to secure the corridor, which will only be built as needed.

To find out more please view the project overview PDF (314.8 KB).


For more information, contact ntcorridor.dipl@nt.gov.au or free call 1800 921 301.

Territory-wide audit of septic tank type sewerage systems at all NT Government-owned and managed locations

Commencing from July 2023 the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) has been undertaking non-invasive external audits on septic tanks located throughout the Territory on Northern Territory Government owned assets. The finalisation of the audit process which although largely completed, remains ongoing and has been delayed due to various operational difficulties.

DIPL’s goal is to examine the external condition of NTG owned septic tank systems with a view to addressing potential safety matters and making further improvements to increase safety in and around septic tank systems.

DIPL will continue to work with all relevant parties to provide safe public housing and other infrastructure throughout the Territory.


Project Manager: George Timson
Phone: 08 8999 8398

Tiger Brennan Drive and Berrimah Road intersection overpass

Latest updates

Please be advised the intersection of Marlow Road and Berrimah Road will be closed to traffic from Monday 29 July and expected to reopen by end of September 2024.

Access to surrounding businesses and properties will be maintained at all times, however a detour via Strath Road will be in place.

Read the stakeholder notice - Tiger Brennan Drive and Marlow Rd intersection closure PDF (1.1 MB).

The Northern Territory Government in partnership with the Australian Government is constructing a new overpass at the Tiger Brennan Drive and Berrimah Road intersection.

The project is being jointly delivered to improve road safety outcomes at this intersection.

The second phase of construction for the Tiger Brennan Drive and Berrimah Road overpass commenced 25 November 2023.

Watch a  fly through video.

Road closure and detours

In order to progress with construction of the approach to the new bridge, Berrimah Road from Wishart Road to Tiger Brennan Drive will be closed to all road users. Road users have an alternative route to access East Arm via Wishart Road. Refer to the map PDF (958.2 KB).

Tiger Brennan Drive will remain open and vehicles travelling between Darwin and Palmerston can continue to travel along Tiger Brennan Drive as normal. Berrimah Road north from Tiger Brennan Drive to Marlow Road will remain closed with a slated reopening expected in August 2024.

Traffic was transitioned to the new alignment of Tiger Brennan Drive in stages once the bridge construction was substantially complete and safe to allow vehicles to pass underneath.

The outbound lanes were transitioned in April 2024 and the inbound lanes in June 2024.

Tiger Brennan Drive and Berrimah Road intersection overpass - artist impression only

Keep up to date or get in touch

To keep up to date with the progress of the project, subscribe now.

For more information, call 1800 319 881 or email tbd.overpass@nt.gov.au.

Tiger Brennan Drive and Wishart Road intersection upgrades

The Northern Territory Government is upgrading the intersections of Wishart Road/Tiger Brennan Drive and Wishart Road/ Kirkland Road to improve safety and access for road users.

The upgrades are a part of the overarching Tiger Brennan Drive and Berrimah Road overpass project and will increase the flow of traffic in turn lanes, decreasing the current queuing issues being experienced, not only during the overpass construction phase, but also in the longer term.

The works are being undertaken following a traffic impact assessment which identified a need to upgrade the Tiger Brennan and Wishart Road intersection and provide an additional capacity to turn into Kirkland Road from Wishart Road.

The scope of works include:

  • earthworks and pavement construction to widen the existing carriageway
  • drainage modifications
  • relocation and upgrade of the street lighting
  • modification of the traffic signals
  • asphalt works and bitumen resealing.

Traffic management planning has identified that suitable alternative routes are available for all impacted turning & through movements when required. These will be communicated to road users:

  • using Variable Message Signs during the week prior and during closures
  • through appropriate traffic controls and signs during the closures.

Tiger Brennan Map - 04


For more information:

Transit Officer tip out powers

The Northern Territory Government is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and secure bus network for all Territorians.

Transit Officers have been provided with more powers to combat anti-social behaviour on public transport.

Transit Officers now have powers to search for, seize and tip out liquor where they suspect on reasonable grounds that a person has consumed alcohol in a prohibited public place, which includes the public bus network in the Greater Darwin area.

In addition to passenger safety, a safe working environment for public bus staff and contractors is also a priority.

Transit Officers receive comprehensive training including. Verbal Judo and Cultural Awareness.

Eating and drinking on public buses is prohibited, except for water in a resealable container.

Consuming alcohol on the bus network is prohibited.

Trower Road pedestrian overpass handrail replacement

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is conducting maintenance works to the Trower Road pedestrian overpass near the Jingili Water Gardens.

The maintenance will include replacing and raising the handrail which has deteriorated over time, along with concrete repairs.

Works are expected to commence mid-September 2023 and take 4 weeks to complete.

Pedestrian access on the overpass will be restricted during the hours of works, however pedestrians will be directed to safely cross Trower Road at Rapid Creek Road or Lakeside Drive intersections. Access will be reinstated when no works are occurring.

Trower road


Cielo Alvaran, Project Manager
08 8999 4673

Upgraded and new pedestrian crossings

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is conducting works to upgrade an existing pedestrian crossing at Trower Road and Parer Drive intersection, and construct a new pedestrian crossing across the Rapid Creek side of McMillans Road and Rothdale Road intersection.

Works are due for completion by April 2024.

Trower Road and Parer Drive intersection

Works to modify the traffic signal operation at Trower Road and Parer Drive intersection.

The works will separate the movements of vehicles turning left from Trower Road into Parer Drive from pedestrians and cyclists crossing Parer Drive.

Works for the Trower Road and Parer Drive intersection are due to be complete by the end of January 2024.

Map of pedestrian crossing at Trower Road and Parer Drive intersection

McMillans Road and Rothdale Road intersection

Works to construct a signalised pedestrian crossing across McMillans Road at the Rothdale Road and Henry Wrigley Drive intersection on the Rapid Creek side.

This will provide a safe route for pedestrians travelling to the bus stop located on McMillans Road, inbound.

Map of pedestrian crossing at McMillans Road and Rothdale Road intersection


Project manager: Josefa Tchong
Phone: 0409 706 620

Use of capsicum spray by Transit Officers

The Northern Territory Government is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and secure bus network.

To support this commitment to safety, Transit Officers will now be equipped with OC (oleoresin capsicum) spray as a form of deterrence and self-defence and to help protect bus patrons.

In addition to passenger safety, a safe working environment for drivers, contractors and other employees is a priority.

All Transit Officers are trained in the use of capsicum spray and how to administer first aid for affected persons.

Transit Officers have undertaken comprehensive training by qualified instructors in the use of capsicum spray, as well as First Aid training to provide assistance to those affected. Transit Officers will attend mandatory capsicum spray refresher training every 12 months.

This training is based on best practices and nationally recognised training.

Capsicum spray will only be used as a last resort when reasonably necessary in self-defence, or to prevent a person from harming themselves or someone else.

To view the legislation, visit the NT Legislation website.

For further information contact the Transit Safety Unit via email at transit.safety@nt.gov.au or telephone 08 8936 4015.

VMBs at boat ramps

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL) is installing variable message boards (VMBs) at various Darwin boat ramps to help keep Territorians safe.

VMBs will be installed in a staged approach at Dinah Beach, East Arm, and Elizabeth River boat ramps, with works expected to be completed late August 2023.

The VMBs will encourage boaters to act responsibly while on the water and ensure they have the correct boat safety equipment. They will also enable information to be provided to boaters about safe boating, Darwin Harbour infrastructure projects, exclusion zones, special events and weather impacts.

A VMB was trialled at Dinah Beach boat ramp from October 2021.

Boat ramp users are asked to adhere to all traffic management and signage in the area during installation.


For more information on this project, please contact Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Communications, Media and Engagement team via communications.dipl@nt.gov.au.

map VMB

Vanderlin Dr and Lee Point Rd intersection

A review of the roundabout at Vanderlin Drive and Lee Point Road identified that it has reached its capacity. Long queues have been observed on Vanderlin Drive, with minor queuing on Lee Point Road during peak hours at the roundabout.

A planning study has been undertaken to look at future options to upgrade the Vanderlin Drive and Lee Point Road intersection.

The detailed design for the preferred option is underway. The completion of detailed design will assist in undertaking cost estimates and investigate funding opportunities.

There is currently no funding for construction.

Stage 1 consultation

In November 2020, the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics consulted with residents, businesses and commuters about the congestion and safety issues at the Vanderlin Drive and Lee Point Road roundabout.

Stage 2 consultation

In November and December 2021, consultation occurred with stakeholders on a preferred concept design. Based on feedback received during the stage 1 consultation and a planning study completed by engineering firm SMEC, the preferred concept was developed to improve safety and congestion at the intersection.

The preferred concept design, a 4-way signalised intersection, intends to deliver the following benefits:

  • reduces the overall queue lengths and delays
  • improves safety for all users, including pedestrians and cyclists
  • caters for future developments
  • improves the cyclist network through the intersection.


Email: transport.planning@nt.gov.au
Telephone: 08 8924 7118

Vanderlin Drive / Leanyer Drive - Safe crossing and connectivity improvement

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics is upgrading the Vanderlin Drive and Leanyer Drive intersection and shared path.

The works will improve pedestrian safety and provide safe access to the Hibiscus Shopping Centre.

New traffic signals on left turn lanes

The new traffic signals control the left turning traffic to provide safe pedestrian and cyclist crossings.

Vehicles must stop when the red arrow is displayed.

The red arrow indicates pedestrians and cyclists are crossing Leanyer Drive.

The traffic signals allow for better traffic flow because motorists are not stopped at the signals when pedestrians or cyclists are not crossing Leanyer Drive.

The traffic signals only display red and yellow lights, but no green light display.

Unlike normal traffic signals in operation, there will be no green light displayed for the left turning vehicles to proceed.

The vehicles can proceed when signals are not displayed, but must give way to conflicting traffic.

Watch the video

To help you follow the changed road traffic operations, watch the video below.


Project Manager: James Stanway
Phone: 08 8999 4618
Email: james.stanway@nt.gov.au

Vanderlin Drive duplication planning study

About the project

The Northern Territory Government is planning for the future duplication of Vanderlin Drive between the Stuart Highway and McMilllans Road.

A future duplication is being considered to improve traffic flow and safety and to cater for expected increases in traffic.

The stretch of Vanderlin Drive that runs between the Stuart Highway and McMillians Road forms part of the National Transport Link providing access to East Arm Port, the airport, hospital and Darwin’s northern suburbs.

Along this stretch of road, Vanderlin Drive narrows down to a single lane in each direction and intersects with several adjoining local roads.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics has received feedback from the public regarding property access, pedestrian crossings, bus stop locations, shared path access and safety at intersections.

The draft concept design includes:

  • expanding the road to two lanes in both directions to improve traffic flow
  • turning lanes to provide safe exits for vehicles
  • adding signals at the following intersections on Vanderlin Drive:
    • McMillans Road
    • Boulter Road
    • Secrett Road
  • upgrading shared paths and bus stops for safer access and connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists, and
  • improving landscaping and amenity along the road verge.

Draft concept design maps

Secrett Road intersection

McMillans Road intersection

Boulter Road intersection

Stuart Highway intersection area

You can download the full view of Vanderlin Drive design map (opens in new tab) PDF (650.5 KB).

For more information, read the project fact sheet (opens in new tab) PDF (2.2 MB).

Consultation and next steps

Stage 1 consultation ran from 8 November 2023 to 6 December 2023.

Feedback on the draft concept was invited from businesses, landowners, road users and the community. This feedback will inform the next version of the design which will be presented to the community and stakeholders for stage 2 consultation.

This project is a planning study only. There is currently no timeframe for construction or funding.

Variable message signs on Territory roads

The Northern Territory Government is installing thirty (30) Variable Message Signs (VMS) across the Territory to provide timely and accurate information to travellers.

This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government and Northern Territory Government.

The signs will be integrated with traffic operations system - Intelligent Transport Systems, so the signs will display messaging based on real-time road information.

Each sign will operate under a trial period until setup is complete.

Signs may not always be active. Messages will only appear when required to alert road users of changes to conditions and road safety.

The signs will enable efficient management of traffic flows in the event of road crashes and congestion. The signs will also enable information to be provided to motorists about road closures, traffic detours and emergencies, as well as other road safety messages.

Installation will be staged across the Territory and works have commenced in the Darwin and Palmerston areas.

VMS Darwin Palmerston map

VMS NT wide map

Victoria Highway roadworks

The Northern Territory Government is upgrading the Victoria Highway on a 60km stretch, starting 40km west of Katherine, to improve safety for road users.

The works include earthworks, culvert extensions, localised drainage, guardrail installation, protection works, road furniture, and line marking.

Construction commenced on 8 May 2023 with estimated completion due by December 2023.

Access will be maintained at all times during construction and traffic management will be in place. Road users are asked to take care when passing through the work areas.

Road users are encouraged to follow RoadReport NT on Facebook to keep up to date with any change in conditions and the progress of works.

The upgrades are being delivered as part of the Australian Government’s National Network Highway Upgrade program.

Map of Victoria Highway roadworks


For more information on this project, contact Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Project Manager, Jay Brewster-O’Brien on 08 8999 4835 or email jay.brewster-o'brien@nt.gov.au.

Wagait Tip remediation

Latest update

This project is now complete.

The Northern Territory and Australian Governments have committed to the remediation of the former Wagait Tip site.

The former Wagait Tip is located on Commonwealth land, in the north of Cox Peninsula Road approximately 3km south of Wagait Beach Township and approximately 9.5 km north of Belyuen community.

The Wagait Tip was used for unauthorised waste disposal from 1988 until it was closed in November 2015.

The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics will project manage the remediation. This is expected to be carried out by early 2021.

The remediation is also part of the Kenbi Land Claim settlement arrangements.

Once remediated, the Australian Government will be handing over the site to the Larrakia Development Corporation as part of the Kenbi Land claim agreement.


For more information on the project, contact Suzanne Dunkerton at suzanne.dunkerton@nt.gov.au or 08 8999 4788.

Weddell Freeway Planning Study

Latest update

Tender awarded for Weddell Freeway Planning Study.

The Northern Territory Government is undertaking a planning study for the potential development of the Weddell Freeway.

Commencing from Tiger Brennan Drive, the proposed freeway will run adjacent to the railway line west of the Palmerston Town Centre, travel through to the area of Weddell before connecting to the Stuart Highway near Cox Peninsula Road.

The preliminary alignment of the freeway is already defined and zoned under the Northern Territory Planning Scheme as a proposed main road, which reserves land for future development as a significant road transport infrastructure corridor.

The planning study and eventual concept design for a Weddell Freeway is underpinned by over 30 years of planning, and was recently included in public consultations for the Darwin Regional Land Use Plan 2015.

Previous announcements


Email:  transport.planning@nt.gov.au

Zuccoli Primary School



The Northern Territory Government fast-tracked construction of the new government school to cater for enrolment demand in Palmerston, the Territory’s fastest growing region.

When fully operational, the new school will have capacity for 430 primary students and 88 preschoolers.

Construction on Stage Two of Zuccoli Primary school in Palmerston is currently underway with Stage One completed December 2019 and open to students from Term 1, 2020.

The new school provides quality, contemporary learning spaces that ensure young children are engaged and are receiving the best possible start towards a bright future.

Zuccoli Primary school will share the site with Mother Teresa Catholic Primary school. Both schools will utilise shared facilities such as the oval, air-conditioned hall, library, home economics and science rooms.

The shared facilities are funded by the Northern Territory Government and will be completed as part of Stage Two of the project.

Stage one – 2018 to 2020 - complete

Stage One of the Zuccoli Primary School is complete and opened to students in Term 1, 2020.

Stage One scope included:

  • new preschool with capacity for up to 88 pre-school students.
  • eight primary school classrooms with capacity for more than 200 students.

Stage two – 2019 to 2021 - underway

Stage Two of the Zuccoli Primary School is expected to be completed in early-2021, weather permitting.

Stage Two scope includes:

  • administration building
  • multipurpose learning areas such as an oval, ablution and changing buildings, home economics classrooms and a library.
  • eight additional classrooms with capacity for a further 230 students.

Maps/concept images

Zuccoli primary school


Project Director: Mark Taylor
Email: mark.taylor@nt.gov.au