NT Infrastructure Framework

In 2022, the Northern Territory Government adopted a new Infrastructure Framework to align infrastructure planning and investment with government’s 2030 goals. The new Framework includes a refocused NT Infrastructure Strategy and Plan and the addition of an Infrastructure Pipeline and regular Infrastructure Audit.

The Hon Eva Lawler, Minister for Territory Development, and Louise McCormick, the Infrastructure NT Commissioner, released the new Northern Territory Infrastructure Strategy 2022 – 2030 and the Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline in June 2022.

The Framework, Strategy and Plan and Pipeline have been informed by consultation with government agencies at Federal, Territory and local levels, regional and Aboriginal land councils and industry representative groups.

The new Framework provides a clear direction and whole-of-government leadership for project planning, development and delivery that analyses, prioritises and supports well informed, evidence based government infrastructure investment.

Read the NT Infrastructure Framework Position Paper PDF (3.8 MB)

The new Infrastructure Framework includes:

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