CPV review: Decision 2e - training for wheelchair accessible taxi operators

Decision 2e is to require driver training for wheelchair accessible taxi operators.

The table below provides an overview of the decision.

Timeframe12 months
Approval statusApproved
Implementation statusIn progress


Drivers will only be permitted to operate a wheelchair accessible taxi (WAT) vehicle if they have received training in, and can demonstrate an understanding of, how to secure a wheelchair in that vehicle.

The Northern Territory (NT) Government acknowledges the importance of driver knowledge and training in relation to the:

  • use of wheelchair restraints
  • operation of wheelchair lift mechanisms.

The NT Government will develop a driver induction scheme for new MPT drivers which is to be delivered by operators.

Drivers of MPTs will be required to carry certification that they are competent to operate all equipment of the vehicle they are driving.


The NT Government and the CPVRAF have started discussions about overall improved taxi driver training, with further priority consideration given to drivers of wheelchair accessible commercial passenger vehicles.

MPT vehicle induction packages are in the process of being developed by the NT Government.

MPT inductions will be provided to the CPVRAF for further comments before being finalised.

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