Request a place name

Any individual or organisation can request a name for a place, or a change to a name for a place PDF (1.0 MB).

Members of the community are encouraged to participate in the place naming process to ensure that the diversity of the community is reflected in future place name approvals.

Step 1. Contact the department

If you are interested in naming or renaming a place you should contact the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.

The department will provide advice on what information is needed and who your need to consult. Requirements will depend on the type of place name.

The department will check that the name meets national standards and Northern Territory (NT) place names guidelines.

The requirements for each request differ slightly, depending on:

  • the type of naming request
  • where the place to be named is located
  • who owns, or will own, or manages the place.

Types of requests

There are a number of different types of naming requests that occur under the Place Names Act 1967.

Each have slightly different consultation requirements.

These include the following:

Step 2. Engagement

The Act sets out specific minimum engagement requirements that must be met before the Place Names Committee can recommend a name to the minister for approval.

This includes a requirement to consult with ‘interested persons’ (including but not limited to):

  • the local government council where a name request is for a place in its area of governance
  • the relevant land council if a name request is for a place outside a local government area
  • the family or descendants of a person proposed to be commemorated through the naming of a place or held for use in a future naming opportunity.

The person or organisation who wants to request a name is responsible for undertaking engagement. Refer to the engaging on place naming for further information on the committee's expectations for engagement, who to involve and how to engage on a place naming request. Written evidence of engagement must be submitted to the committee when you submit your request.

Step 3. Submit your request

You must submit your request and all supporting consultation documentation through Place Names Online.

An account must be set up to submit a request so that you can be contacted during the assessment process and receive updates on the status and progress of your request.

If you submit an incomplete request the department will contact you to tell you what additional information is needed.

Your request will not be considered by the committee until it is complete.

How requests are processed

The committee will generally consider complete requests received by the closing date at its next available meeting.

Meetings of the committee are scheduled 4 times a year but the committee may meet outside of the scheduled meetings to consider requests as needed.

Check the committee meeting dates.

The committee will make a recommendation to the minister.

The Act does not specify or limit what the committee can consider other than to set minimum consultation requirements for particular circumstances.

The committee also refers to:

If a request is approved

If the minister approves a place name it will be included in the NT Place Names Register.

Once the name is registered, mapping companies and other people are able to use the name.

Signage is the responsibility of the local council or equivalent for that area.

Place names for geographic features are entered into a national register.

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