Safety upgrades at Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and Diarama Close

The Northern Territory Government has released the final design to realign Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and Diarama Close into one signalised 4-way intersection.

Larapinta Drive is a busy road. In peak hours, the intersections of Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and nearby Diarama Close reach capacity, creating congestion, traffic delays and safety concerns for all road users including pedestrians.

There are significant traffic hazards at these intersections due to vehicle and pedestrian traffic around the Araluen Christian College and the Diarama Village shopping complex.

The upgrade will improve:

  • safety for road users including pedestrians, cyclists and limited mobility users
  • capacity and traffic flow through the intersection area.

Features of the final design

Features of the final design include:

  • realigning Blain Street and Diarama Close into one new signalised crossed intersection on Larapinta Drive
  • safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists at the new signalised crossed intersection
  • removal of the existing old signalised pedestrian crossing on Larapinta Drive
  • new left turn slip lane from Blain Street into Larapinta Drive and refuge island
  • new Blain Street shared path connecting with the existing shared path
  • rearrangement of traffic islands and medians
  • landscaping regeneration.

Concept design of Larapinta Drive, Blain Street and Diarama Close


Consultation on the concept design closed on 22 August 2022 and feedback was overwhelmingly supportive.


This project is now progressing to detailed design.

Construction will commence once detailed design is complete and funding is confirmed.

For more information read the fact sheet PDF (1.4 MB) released during 2022 consultation.


For more information, email or call 08 8924 7118.

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