Building design standards and construction specifications
When preparing building designs for the Northern Territory (NT) Government, you should refer to the resources provided on this page.
You will find:
Documentation manuals
Below are technical drawings documentation manuals for:
Minimum design standards and supplementary documents
The following are design standards that set out the minimum requirements for the design and construction of buildings.
Structural design
Get the:
- NT public cyclone shelters design brief PDF (818.4 KB)
- NT public cyclone shelters structural requirements PDF (1.1 MB)
- cyclonic wind region C: IL1 buildings or structures structural requirements PDF (747.0 KB)
- cyclonic wind region C: IL2 buildings or structures structural requirements PDF (988.0 KB)
- cyclonic wind region C: IL3 buildings or structures structural requirements PDF (968.3 KB)
- cyclonic wind region C: IL4 buildings or structures structural requirements PDF (1.0 MB)
- non-cyclonic wind region A and intermediate wind region B: buildings or structures structural requirements PDF (956.9 KB).
Electrical design
Current version
Get the electrical services minimum design standard - DocID4.01 v.2025.12 PDF (1.5 MB).
Previous versions
Get the electrical services minimum design standard - DocID4.01 v.2024.11 PDF (1.2 MB).
Get the electrical services minimum design standard - DocID4.01 v.2023.10 PDF (1.7 MB).
Get the electrical services minimum design standard - DocID4.01 v.2022.09 PDF (1.4 MB).
Hydraulic design and Hydraulic works inspection process
Get the hydraulic services minimum design standard v.2024.08 PDF (990.3 KB).
Get the zip file with the Design Tools (Excel spread sheets) ZIP (244.0 KB) which are to be used in conjunction with the Minimum Design Standard.
Get the zip file with guidance documents and inspections checklists for inspection process for hydraulic works ZIP (3.1 MB).
Previous version
Get the hydraulic services minimum design standard v.2023.07 PDF (1.4 MB).
Vapour barriers
These typical details provide guidance to designers and contractors regarding what is expected by the department in respect to moisture control by use of vapour barriers.
The details don't cover every possible arrangement of building elements, but are intended to provide guidance on how to provide effective moisture control.
Get the vapour barriers:
Fabric shade structures
This policy applies to all tensioned membrane structures, including fabric shade structures and structures using waterproof PVC fabric.
It is applicable to all regions in the NT.
Get the technical directive - fabric shade structure policy PDF (2.9 MB).
Fire contractors guide book - electrical
You can get the NT Fire Alarm System Transmission (NTFAST) fire contractors guide book from the NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services website. The guide book can be found in the fact sheet section under NTFAST.
NTFAST welcome input for updating the guide.
For more information, contact David Williams by emailing
Construction specifications
The infrastructure master specifications cover the construction and maintenance of:
- major building works such as schools and hospitals
- smaller works such as housing and office fitouts.
The documents are copyright and the use of the specification masters on projects other than for the NT Government is prohibited without express permission.
Each master specification contains a commentary section which gives the latest update information and general information on the production of project specifications.
These buildings master specifications are prepared and maintained by the Department of Logistics and Infrastructure for use on NT Government infrastructure projects and are made available as a service to the public.
Users will need to evaluate the material for their suitability for use on their particular projects.
While care has been taken to ensure that information is true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of this information.
The Northern Territory of Australia:
- gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained, or that it is suitable for your intended use
- accepts no liability for any losses or damages, including incidental or consequential damages, resulting from the use of the material.
By clicking on any of the links to documents below, you are agreeing to abide by the terms of the above disclaimer.
Access to NATSPEC documents
Major building works and small building works use text based on NATSPEC, the national building specification, produced by Construction Information Systems Ltd of which the department is a stakeholder.
NATSPEC documents are copyright and can only be used by registered subscribers.
To access the master specification for Major Building Works contact the DLI Project Manager or Contact Person for the project.
The Standard Specification for Small Building Works is password protected. To obtain the password contact the DLI Project Manager or Contact Person for the project, or email
Specifications and supplementary documents
The following are specifications and supplementary documents for building constructions.
Major building works
To access the master specification, contact the DLI project manager.
The following are supplementary documents:
- hold and witness points for major building works PDF (1.8 MB)
hold and witness points for major building works DOCX (210.3 KB) - project checklist for major building works PDF (3.1 MB)
project checklist for major building works DOCX (434.9 KB).
The following are the updates overview:
Small building works
The current edition is the standard specification for small building works v20.1 PDF (3.4 MB).
The document above is password-protected. If you’re a NATSPEC-registered subscriber or a stakeholder in a DIPL-managed project, you can request the password by emailing
The following are new supplementary documents:
- hold and witness points for small building works DOCX (81.2 KB)
hold and witness points for small building works PDF (1.1 MB) - project checklist for small building works PDF (1.6 MB)
project checklist for small building works DOCX (269.2 KB) - updates overview for small building works PDF (552.5 KB)
- project specific requirements for small building works DOCX (81.9 KB).
Archival editions:
Internal fitout
To access the master specification for Internal Fitout contact the DLI Project Manager or Contact Person for the project.
Commercial clauses
For information on conditions of tendering and conditions of contract with the NT Government, go to the Northern Territory Government website.
For more information, email
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